So I have a game functionality question (pets and possible improvement)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Zahrym, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. Zahrym Augur

    Is it possible to make a window like


    Into a pet tab with appropriate slots that would allow you to summon the pet then have the item stats etc. attributed to them?

    This would not nullify summoned items from mages or anything of that nature, just cut down on the repetition of summoning them constantly. Log on, get a set of gear, any pet you summon is granted the statistics from the window.

    Thoughts? Is this even possible? Maybe as an expansion 'feature'?
    Yinla and Stubar like this.
  2. Ankarv Harbinger of Nightmares

    I like the idea, either that or give each pet class a specialty summon. *you hear a whisper in your ear* it says "Necro pets need huge scythes"
  3. Izcurly Augur

    It's possible. Suggested many times over the years. Takes dev manpower of course, and just hasn't happened yet.

    I petamorph my pet into one of the humanoid forms that shows weapons if I need to check whether my pet is equipped or not. That's pretty much all I actually need to know, although an inventory window would be even nicer.
  4. Stubar Augur

    Inventory widow for pets would be AMAZING. Seems like a viable thing now that Mercs have an inventory widow. It would be even better if you could change the pet equipment (I know that's a pipe dream though) like you can with the mercs.

    How amazing would it be if the pets kept their gear through death like the merc does as well.
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I like this idea a lot, it would be, nice if the gear was on a tab on the player inventory the same as the merc tab and you could switch in and out pet weapons and gear didn't vanish when a pet died.

    Would that encroach to much on mages summoning gear, or make it easier?
  6. Zahrym Augur

    I'm not a mage but everyone I asked seemed to prefer only summoning one set to ten.
  7. Piemastaj Augur

    Then pet classes will be forced to get all their pets gear to be viable in the tanking/DPs game. Meaning gearing up similar to how players do, which will probably phase out pet foci at least for main pets. Basically doing double the work for essentially the same reward.

    No thank you. At face value its a good idea, but it opens up a GIANT window into a horrible area that pet classes should not want to travel. Some classes do not rely on pets as much as others, those classes will end up getting probably more power while other classes will be getting a nice nerf......
  8. Zahrym Augur

    Not necessarily. Race:None exemption pretty much sews it up.
  9. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    As long as the pet foci summoned items better than a pet could have equipped from other sources it shouldn't be a problem. Mages shouldn't see much difference in what their pet is using, but they would be able to switch in and out what weapons their pet has. If pets kept their pet gear it would cut down on the amount of summoning mages have to do.

    I play at odd hours and I dislike having to ask mages for a few sets of gear before they log. Cause I know the minute there isn't a mage on hand my kitty will go splat. Our mages are all pretty helpful at supplying pet gear, but sometimes they just want to get on and play or logout.
  10. beryon Augur

    How is that different than what we have now? Pet gear currently makes a very noticeable difference. Mages are the only pet class that aren't hampered by lack of pet gear.
  11. Izcurly Augur

    I rarely ask my pet to tank, so I really can't say I'm hampered by lack of gear. The weapons are nice for dps purposes, but hardly essential enough to "hamper" me.

    Supply issues are easily solved by just making sure you religiously store extras in your house before logging. Then you aren't dependent on finding a mage the next time you kill your pet.
  12. Zahrym Augur

    I feel like 30 minutes a day shouldn't be spent running an errand to circumnavigate poor game design.
  13. Tharrg Augur

    Can imagine they can do 2 things... make a slot like the merc here but it only allows gear that is temporary....... or make it allow any type of gear in slot but once you log or creature dies.. just like temporary items anything in slots vanish.

    Or you can make them accept items and stay... unless they are temporary items. This would be nice as you could get the best items you can and put in slots.... (imagine Raid Gear in slots for Pets)... This could be very impressive... but the problems that arise with people with raid geared pets may be just a bit too much
  14. Piemastaj Augur

    Misunderstanding my point.

    With how upset SOE is with pets tanking, they will end up using this great feature as a way to include nerfs. So we will now be able to see the gear they come with, but will it end up coming with more slots needed? Will the pet focus now not cover items and we are forced to farm the back item instead of it merely being given to us? Is it going to force people to do more work for the same power we had before?

    Those are just a few things that this could open up for pet classes, and if it does end up being a nerf Magicians will be getting hit the hardest while pet classes that do not rely as much on pets will not see as much of a loss.
  15. Xirtket Augur

  16. Zahrym Augur

    That was more helpful.

    For anyone curious the quotes were.

    All from elidroth, with the current state of how pets tank I don't see they couldn't make this a priority, it would be a nerf in terms of raw power in certain situations but that's what they've been aiming for in many regards anyway. I can't say I agree with pet tanking, however viable it may be. In group content I don't see a shift in this affecting pet tanking. In raids? Probably.

    Before the train starts with 'How do I tank something that hits for 100k' 'My guild doesn't have the healing' 'My guild doesn't have the tanks' I suggest you take a look at things like AI, Warlord's Tenacity, Final stand, Growth, you get the jist.
  17. Izcurly Augur

    I know it's fun to snipe SOE, but seriously, source? I've seen plenty of class-envy posts from other players, but I don't recall SOE saying pets shouldn't be able to tank. Except maybe in certain raid events, but even there all the actual whining was from other players.
  18. Sinestra Augur

    A few weeks ago I asked Praethun about the pet window again and he said this...

    We've been asking for a pet inventory window since 1999, they are aware and it is on the list, but not high on that list it seems.
  19. Piemastaj Augur

    Do you read patch notes?

    Over the last year there have been 3 to 5 nerfs to pet tanking. They lowered pets HP/AC/mitigation, they lowered HP on certain EM levels, They nerfed pet DA (all DAs eventually but I believe pet DA was first), they nerfed the Aegis line. And of course all of the pet tanking threads in raid content that SOE comments on.

    I never said SOE did not want pets to tank, I said they were upset with pets tanking. There is a difference. I probably could have said so well, but I never said they did not want them to tank. Even Dzarn posted in the Plane of War thread that they took into consideration with pet tanking in how they will tune that zone to not trivialize some of the named there.

    I am not going to go back to all of the patch notes to prove my point. Go and look at Aegis of Kildrukaun it used to block 7-9 (depending on your rank) hits or spells 100%, now it has a 18.9k total amount that can be absorbed in 7-9 hits. We got Auspice of Shadows and Aegis of Nefori to 'cushion' the blow, but still a nerf.
  20. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I don't see what your problem is mage pets can still tank named even with the nerfs, surely that shows how overpowered they were before?
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