So are there fewer players playing after the expansion?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ruven_BB, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. Ruven_BB Augur

    I don't have hard numbers, but I can tell that there are fewer players logging in from my guild and only seeing 6 players in one of the new zones at peak play times really scares me.

    How bad are things really getting?

  2. drkoli Augur

    T1 is crowded on cazic

    T2 has quite a few people in it aswell

    this weekend degmar at any given time the whole weekend had at max 15 people. 4 of which were my toons
  3. silku Augur

    I imagine raid guilds are probably decent on attendance until they get their flagging and AA done. Group game has gone down quite a bit on our server. Lots of people just not interested in grinding for 2-5 mins a mob in group gear.
    Lisandra likes this.
  4. Crystilla Augur

    On EMarr, a few minutes ago (and note prime time doesn't happen for another couple of hours.

    Tier 1
    TEMPEST TEMPLE - 22 (30-40 usual on prime time)
    KATTA CASTRUM: DELUGE - 13 (30-40 usual on prime time)

    Tier 2
    BROTHER ISLAND - 9 (16-25 usual on prime time)
    CAVERNS OF ENDLESS SONG - 13 (not sure of usual; just gained access)
  5. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    The XP in CofF HA's is keeping people out of the new zones. Until they fix the XP in TeDioS you'll see less people working on progression so they can be 105 with some important AA's done.
    Lisandra and Ploww like this.
  6. Bangzoom Lorekeeper

    I see people doing a mix of the two. Lots of people looking to do TDS progression *or* XP grinding in HAs. I'm doing a mix of the two myself, depending on how long I intend to be on.
  7. GhostToThePost Lorekeeper

    I don't play anymore, however, when I did play i was on Bristlebane like yourself and I am hearing reports from a few friends that still play, that the overall population does seem a bit thinned out. Was also told that several retirements and several more unannounced MIA's within the big 3 raid guilds on BB has happened recently. Not really surprising though, is it?

    When I played, Bristlebane was one of the bigger servers population wise, so its a little more noticeable when people quit/retire/MIA than one of the smaller population servers.
  8. Silv Augur

    I've regularly seen 30+ people in Caverns of Endless Horror. Complete with regular training and people who use OOC as their personal communication channel. So as far as I can tell... there are plenty of people in the new zones (TT and Katta are also always packed unless it's like 3 AM).

    No expansion is ever top end heavy (look at ROF and COTF for example) even after months of release so a low population beyond T2 in TDS should never be used as a metric.

    As for raiders... I'm seeing full raids of 54 and maybe a few on the bench than the past month or so when we only had COTF. That's pretty typical though. So despite all of the complaining there are plenty who jumped into TDS.