Smedley says...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Vulak-Arkadius, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. Hateseeker Augur

    You're right, it is. Though, even if EQ stays supported as is for a while, it's in their new games where the differences will come, and the same dual-support won't exist.

    I expect EQN for example, will not have anything that we'd recognize as a raid. They might indeed make it where encounters require skill, but I think they'll find that when they do that, they are now competing for the playerbase of other genres.

    I can only speak for myself, but surely others are like me - if the balance of a game becomes more skill than gear, I'm likely to drift off to play a PvP game (i.e. Battlefield for example) against actual humans. Though, who knows? Maybe EQN will have a PvP focus. Doesn't seem likely, considering how EQ players historically demonize PvP because they're so much more likely to die during gameplay.

    Which brings me to another's rumored that EQN will have strong AI; if that's true, let's see how many people stick around when the AI is able to present a similar challenge to a player. Death rates will go up and gameplay will have to be altered to compensate (respawn points nearby at all times). They'll be targeting MMORPG players in general with gameplay that more accurately applies to purely PvP players.
  2. Matari Augur

    Please show us the research based (multiple large scale studies over a significant period of time) that shows the majority MMO gammers want or play only 45 minutes session. Please make sure the data is represented my measure that best describes the data.
    Geroblue and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  3. Bamboompow Augur

    Good luck with that. Its probably easy enough to see server side what is going on though but its probably considered proprietary information.

    Supposedly the average human attention span is less than that of a goldfish now. No idea if it is scientifically true but seems plausible. The Googles are full of that kind of stuff. I have 4 goldfish and they have it pretty easy. Swim, eat and poop. That is all they have on their "To do" list. There is more room for distractions if you are a fish but there is certainly less on their plate to distract them. So yah, plausible.
  4. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Uhhh I dont know 3 months whatever. Seems to take returning peeps quite a bit of time to level up unless they get Powerlevelled and then they might as well buy a heroic toon. Thats the real funny thing a lot of people who objected to herocics just PL toons up.. I guess losing the income from PLing others is what pissed them off. Oh forgot about the aa.. I guess more then 3 months for those not being powerlvelled.. For returning casual non 24/7 players I guess six or seven months.. and yes I know that "YOU" can do it in far less.... not so much for most of the returning peeps :)

    P.S. Didnt skirt around it just couldnt be bothered to answer :) I assume you have some wonderful point to make with whatever answer I give :)

    And no my memory is fine.. devs never said things were emotionally distressing for players not being maxed level :)
  5. Fallfyres Augur

    Is there a way to 'tell' ie through inspection etc if a character was bought as a Heroic auto level 85? Other than observation of their skill and actions taken in a group I mean...
  6. Sancus Augur

    Unless they're still wearing the heroic gear or using the Heroic-only raptor mount, I don't think there is.
  7. code-zero Augur

    There are people with characters they've played for quite some time that will go Heroic so that they can backfill the DoN progression and MPG trials. I think there are some other advantages as well but those two things come to mind right off
  8. Fallfyres Augur

    Thanks much.
  9. Eggborn Lorekeeper

    Well, I certainly am not playing all those stupid phone games instead. I'll go back to dungeons and dragons with paper books over the other crap I see out there. money money money
    Geroblue likes this.
  10. Kolani Augur

    Even that's not a guarantee, I heroiced a level 100 with max aa for the rank 2 spells and perks that come with a heroic character (skillups to 85 in hard to raise skills, full DoN aa, etc.). My cleric has the raptor mount and all the heroic gear nevertheless. Didn't pay for it, used my monthly SC allotment over seven months for it, but...
    code-zero likes this.
  11. Kolani Augur

    Yeah, I did it on my ranger for the disarm, begging and alcohol tolerance skillups too. Not ashamed. Was also testing to see if it gave rank 2s through 105 for previously scribed spells like it did through 100.
  12. Numiko Augur

    2 x 24 slot bags were a not bad bonus too for going heroic
    Kolani likes this.
  13. Melanippe Augur

    Your memory is correct. They didn't say "emotionally distressing", they said "psychologically distressing". ;)
  14. Battleaxe Augur

    They also created a progression server and set Heroic Characters to deliver level 85 rather than max level which would seem to indicate something said so long ago it's in the archives is at odds with the game as implemented. Despite words to the contrary it appears someone understands that there is fun to be had prior to max level.

    (There's a difference between strongly encouraging players to take on new challenges and closing all prior to max level content. The elementary school playgrounds are still there. We're just to big to play on the jungle gym.)

    Admittedly someone (a dev? two devs??) has also said that they'd like new players and returnees to be able to play with the main body of the players sooner vs. when they've earned that privilege (not in those words).

    But that's just handing accomplishers a hard road forward and non-accomplishers rocket powered progression skates. <- nothing new.
  15. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Well Battleaxe said that
    So I am going with that.

    I guess I just dont feel like its worth insulting those who decided to go heroic and painting them in the light of being lazy or not wanting to achieve things in Everquest. All the wanted to do was get within reach of everyone else so they could play with the main population of EQ. This helped them do that. I have seen it with my own eyes running the largest casual/family guild on Xegony for over 15 years. I see these people come back make heroics.. eventually learn them and become decent players. In some cases exceptional players. And some even go back and start some toons from the beginning once they have gotten use to the game and for when they feel like soloing. But they stuck around because those heroic toons let them start playing with the rest of the guild much sooner then they would have been able to do otherwise. So I have in person with my own eyes seen the benefits of this so you will never convince me otherwise :) You can keep trying but it won't happen.

    And like Battleaxe said they got moved into range of max level not to max level.
  16. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    you know, the guy got his 20mil... he probably doesnt care if he pisses us all off. I actually refuse to play ANY game SoE/daybreak has their hands in strictly because of the way they handle things any more. This company is ran poorly in my eyes.
  17. Melanippe Augur

    Since it's obvious that neither of you has made the effort to check the actual developer quotes, here's a hint. If you take the time to check, look at the extremely long threads regarding both the introduction of Auto Grant and the introduction of Heroic Characters. Among the supposed reasons given was that is was "psychologically" daunting and distressing for players to have to actually spend time playing the game to reach a higher level. One comment made also likened playing 20ish hours a week was too much like a "part-time job". But do continue to wear your blinders if it is "psychologically comforting" :)
    Fallfyres likes this.
  18. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Is it really that important to you? Give me the names of the threads and I will look it up.
  19. Melanippe Augur

    I did. :)
  20. Battleaxe Augur

    I have no need to go see if person said X. Devs created a progression server with no mechanism to prevent psychological distress caused by being way behind in levels. Further Heroic Characters give you level 85. Apparently if you pay money rather than playing the game 20 levels below mx level isn't enough to cause distress.

    People should:
    1. Remember that in the enthusiasm to make a point sometimes an exaggerated position is stated. Devs aren't having a big problem creating obstacles to progressing that divide doers from not doers. Checking my gear - they also don't seem to have a problem creating a time sink that will take 6 months or more to overcome (my second job).

    2. Observe what is actually done and compare it to what was said. They are not always rigidly identical.