Small QOL improvement for those levelling melee

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Dooley Jonkers, May 28, 2015.

  1. Dooley Jonkers New Member

    Can we have tool tips for aa skills/disciplines please? Currently when you right click a spell gem on your hotbar you get a nice spell discription. Right click an aa ability/discipline on your hotbar however and you get nothing. This would be much handier than having to constantly refer back to the original aa window and discipline windows in order to tell the difference between the skills. Especially confusing for berserkers as every other skill seems to contain the word rage or frenzy in the title.
  2. Brohg Augur

    skill 1: GET MAD
    skill 2: GET MAD (this conflicts with skill 1, but you only get to know if you visit goberserker)
    skill 3: GET MAD (this stacks with both skill 1 and skill 2, but you only get to know if you visit goberserker)
    skill 4: GET MAD (this stacks with skill 3 but not skill 1 or 2, but you only get to know if you visit goberserker)
    skill 5: GET MAD (just kidding, don't ever press this button. really.)
    skill 6: GET MAD (stacks with 2 and 4, still not skill 1)
    skill (suprsekrt): GET MAD (actually breaks the class in half, outparse the world. don't tell devs.)
    skill 7: GET MAD (stacks with beastlord things. wut. look at me like that again, I dare you.)
    skill 8: GET MAD (shares timer with #3, stacks with #3. lolololol)
    skill 9: GET MAD (…

    This is why I wizard.
  3. Slasher Augur

    You don't need to visit goberserker :) Does anyone even visit it anymore ?

    If you have 2 melee abilities that do the same thing they will not stack.
  4. Dooley Jonkers New Member

    Was attempting to setup my hotbars the other night and I had Zam, Lucy, Goberserker, and about 3 forum threads from these boards all open in addition to juggling between the in game aa and discipline windows. There are many things I don't like about EQ2 but at least it has a well organised aa tree. I've been playing off and on since launch and I still find it overwhelming.