Slot 21 augs?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Sweetfire, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. Sweetfire New Member

    Hi all, I just bought silver yesterday mainly for the 1000 AA's and 4 char slots, but thats not my question. I thought with silver you could put items like.. Beryl Hero's Plate Forge Hand Ornaments into items to give them a new look, but it wont let me do it, it says BUY NOW.
  2. Riou EQResource

    You have to buy the Hero's Forge feature to unlock that slot on items, it costs 1200sc per toon.
  3. Seffrid New Member

    Do you still have to buy it if you're Gold?
  4. roth Augur

    Yes, you still have to pay 1200 SC per toon to use Hero Forge, regardless of account status.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.