Skitter Spawn Point (Shadowhaven)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sissruukk, Dec 30, 2022.

  1. Sissruukk Rogue One

    I didn't post this in the bug section because it isn't a bug, but more of an annoyance. While working on mercs the other night, we were pulling shik'nar to the rope bridge in the north, near where point 4 is for the Commander partisan quest. When respawns happened, Skitter spawned on the west side right at the entrance to the bridge from the center section. Considering that non-rogues will be seen by Skitter, it will make life interesting for anyone coming through off the rope bridge (or heading to it), especially for the Commander quest.

    Can the devs possibly make Skitter not spawn at this location so that there won't be headaches and surprises as people pass through that choke point?

  2. Evye Augur

    I noticed this the other night as well.
    We spawned him and before we could engage a group ran past.
    They were multiple casualties.
  3. Cerryn Journeyman

    We've seen quite a few slaughters as that spot near Animist Whoever (SH Mission NPC) has become a medium-sized tent city.

    People pop out of the mission into a graveyard as Skitter starts chewin' on their behinds.
    Grimbil likes this.
  4. FYAD Augur

    This sounds like a feature and a fun one too!
  5. Nennius Curmudgeon

    You have a wonderfully cruel streak.
  6. Petalonyx Augur

    I got ambushed by Skitter. He and his little friend came chasing me, but I turned around, rubbed his belly, and out popped an otherworldly Type 7 aug. A horrible surprise, indeed!
    Nennius likes this.
  7. Tucoh Augur

    I like mobs with see invis in high tier zones (which shadowhaven might be???) In pathways, but a named is a problem because a group might get aggro accidentally and have to kill it while another group who spawned the name watches on as their prize is executed by a group just trying to survive.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  8. Swiss Augur

    Are the teleport pads locked behind progression? That would be one way around if the named spawns on the bridge entrance.
  9. Sissruukk Rogue One

    No, the teleport pads work without progression, and they are a way around it. But you need to go past that point to follow the Commander when she paths out into the central-east area. If you are heading north to the rope bridge, you have a chance to see it, but if you are running out of the rope bridge area into the central part of the zone, you are in for a surprise.

    Plus, some people, for some reason, like to run from the zone-in spot in the southwest to the rope bridge in the northeast.
  10. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Didnt even know there was a 3rd spawn point.