since update inventory likes to hide things

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by mulila, Jun 5, 2023.

  1. mulila Elder

    ever since the update to the UI when I open bags in my inventory they like to hide behind the inventory window. Is there a way to make new opened items appear on top? Or is this just another adapt and overcome thing?
  2. Herf Augur

    Known bug. They know about it. We're screwed until they finish (or give up on) the UI updates.

    In the meantime access your bags w/out opening your inventory by typing (IIRC) Shift B.
    mulila likes this.
  3. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Unless you're playing at a very low resolution, you should be able to have you open bags in a different screen location than the inventory window. I've always done it that way, on purpose, because when I'm changing to new gear, and messing with augs, I want to be able to see all those windows at the same time.
  4. mulila Elder

    thanks for the replies