Sick of being trained in Lceanium

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Lilura, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Lilura Augur

    DBG, what possible purpose is served by having npcs from the city run around the southern and southwestern portion of Lceanium only to agro spiders and train people? I like to camp in the Drikat area because even though his loot stinks and there are no other named, the mobs respawn fast and I can get plenty of exp. But my grinds are constantly interrupted by some idiot npc, a chef or a mason, running through the camp with spiders on his . Guess who they agro on?

    Seriously, this is stupid. Keep those NPCs inside the city already.
  2. Lilura Augur

    PS. The npcs should shout "run away," not "runaway." Get your grammar straight.
  3. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Maybe they ran away from home. Or are Del Shannon/Bon Jovi fans.

    Just sayin'.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Belexes like this.
  4. Skvoid Elder

    I camped there a lot when the expansion came out and never got trained, I camped at bottom of ramp, where are you camped?
  5. Lilura Augur

    In the southeast corner between the two ramps. Drikat spawns there a lot, Tithnak occasionally.

    I'm going to start screen shotting it. It's ridiculous. These NPCs just run around through the spiders randomly.
  6. Hellboy007 Augur

    not a huge fan of NPCs killing NPCs either. was cool back in the day at entrances to towns but now its sort of exploitable for killing PHers in mass.
  7. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions