Short Duration DPS King?

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Nightlilly, Mar 9, 2024.

  1. kizant Augur

    This is the Everquest forum. Maybe you're lost?
    fransisco and Conq like this.
  2. fransisco Augur

    Are you playing a game? Anything not the very best is worthless? there are 16 classes here, not every class can be the highest damage.
  3. Vaeeldar Augur

    When a rogue or monk hits about same dps as 2.5 mages. Not really the same thing.

    But i hear you. Can we at least admit necros are utterly useless in group game?
  4. kizant Augur

  5. Vaeeldar Augur

    Then can’t agree with anything since necros = pet in modern group game effectively.
  6. fransisco Augur

    No one is useless in the group game. Some are better than others.
    This also ignores how tanks have evolved to render so many other abilities useless, why split/cc when they just handle 4 mobs at once.
  7. Cadira Augur

    Necros can shine in groups killing lots of mobs at once, which is niche for some people and sucks, but they're hardly useless.

    My necro friend puts out about the same dps as my mages in my groups when I routinely have 3-6 mobs in camp all the time.
  8. Marton Augur

    Depends on the person behind the keyboard tbh.

    There are necros I would invite to my group over any other class; there are necros I would not group with.
    Sunawar likes this.
  9. Szilent Augur

    I definitely don't want to group with necros who think their pet is what they bring to groups.
  10. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Yea hardly anyone had a bard in group til they added melody now everyone has one. I think enc need more loving.
    fransisco likes this.
  11. Vaeeldar Augur

    So the necro is soloing next to you. Thats cool I guess. Meanwhile already discussed mages don’t exactly do good dps either compared to rogues or monks. And yes routinely pull 3-5 also just burn it down.

    Ench does add more ot burn. Problem is the bard can sustain their boost non-stop and that ends up outpacing on everything but one shot burns. So bard ends up being better overall and by a very larger margin.

    Necro literally has to solo mobs next to group fights. When mobs die in under 20 seconds necros can’t do anything.

    Not ignoring it at all. It’s a part of my point of why ench are useless in group game. Bard brings the ADPS - ench has ADPSS for burns but not the sustained. And yes I can’t rememember the last time I worried about splitting a pull or cc in a meaningful way.
  12. Cadira Augur

    This is just a necro doing their job in group.

    This is weird.
  13. Vaeeldar Augur

    It’s not in group game. Mobs barely last 14 seconds anymore.
  14. Cadira Augur

    The ma target might last 14s or less, but the other mobs in the etw last a whole lot longer. A necro can really sink their teeth into these.
  15. fransisco Augur

    Necros aren't pointless in groups, but they are not the best either, and thats ok.
    If necros could equal mag/wiz group damage yet blow them away in raids, that would be a worse situation.
  16. Vaeeldar Augur

    Necros are losing to wiz/mage lately. but.I’m not worried about them.

    My 14s or less comment was in regards to mages not necros.
  17. Senvie Apprentice

    So, if you are pulling and killing 1 mob at a time, yes, wiz/mage does better then a necro in the group game, but like in LI I usually pull 10+ and when I have a necro with me, she destroys the pack, it's about knowing people who play classes well. In pure burst monk/zerker/rogue are in good spots atm, but then again so are wizards/mages, again, just like the necro, if played well, they can all do well in group game. The original post was about boxing it seems, which, boxing casters is easier as a whole imo. I box casters and love the burst my wizard can do. For me, if you aren't going to run a tank class, I'd prob replace the druid with a shaman, and do 2 mages and a wiz, with the ench and bard, bard epic/fe/qt along with songs do amazing for the group even if he is just standing there singing. And a wiz/mage without an ench is lame hehe.
    Cadira likes this.
  18. Tachyon Augur

    attentive > class, also every single point of damage kills a mob, most is silly talk
  19. Tachyon Augur

    that said a well played wizzy