Shaman race change removed ALL canni spells and Proc part of TBM LION

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Malbrowncoat, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. Malbrowncoat Elder

    Hello, A week or so ago I did a race change to Ogre from Barb. I've done them before, you lose the diety specific gem enchantment biggie. This time my 105 raid Shaman lost ALL canni spells in spell book AND the proc portion of TBM Roar of the Lion. Mine was at Level 3 through questing. I rebought Tribal pact RK II,,,spent dkp to get RK III AGAIN. I cannot remove the Bear Icon for Lion so I can start again on it. Spend more dkp on another RK III to try and get it back in some fashion ,,,wont let me relearn it,,,,says I already have it. How can I repair it ? or relearn it ? When it happened I sent a petition in with all the spell numbers that were removed, and got a canned response saying those spells were meant to be removed..../sigh.. I've since sent back emailS asking DB to please relook the problem,,,no response. Spell numbers deleted...265, 754, 1332, 1572, 5403, 5418, 10015, 15272, 19434, 26238, 35398, 39350, 44278, 49189. All shown immediately after race change occurred.
    Thank You
    Jeff of Tunare
  2. CrazyLarth Augur

    you might have to delete some file and down load it again and refresh all your files but I don't know.

    First Roar of the Lion is a RANK 1 spell you cast that will cast your Rk 1- thur 6 based upon Progression. I would think you did not lose your achievements?
  3. Malbrowncoat Elder

    Hello, Sorry for late response. I did not lose the achievements. Still nothing from DB on the issue I have found.
    J of T
  4. Malbrowncoat Elder

    Hello, Devs pls look into this. If I have missed something I could do to fix it pls point it out. Otherwise, please try to fix this bug or whatever it is. BTW, I have redone the missions that would issue the reward clicky to upgrade Roar of the Lion since the problem and another clicky is NOT given. I am stuck with Level 1 Roar of the Lion and have fulfilled the requirements for Level 3. Thank You
  5. Malbrowncoat Elder

    I did another race change back to Barb and lost 4 spells 49187, 44278, 1891, 4001. Hoping for a long shot that character would recognize the TBM progression. Perhaps the devs could link TBM progression spells to checking achievements for accomplished progression instead of issuing a one-time clicky for the new spell upon completion of a level of progression,,,,which you can NOT get again. TY btw, all canni spells are wiped too....Race change should only wipe diety specific spells.
  6. Malbrowncoat Elder

    GM Dunbarxx gave me 2 of the TBM spell progression clicky to get me back to level 3 and a rk III Tribal Pact to replace the one I lost. This problem has been recognized as a bug I think...Thank You Dunbarxx

    J of T