Shaman Box Guide

Discussion in 'Priests' started by thedragon, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. thedragon Elder

    Hey folks,

    Anyone know of a decent 105 shaman guide, specifically or particularly for people who box healers? I'd like to set up some solid social keys that covers me off for slows, tank heals, group heals, roar/leopard etc.

    Hoping someone has a decent setup that they would be willing to share.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. thedragon Elder

  3. Kcooler Lorekeeper

    I'd be interested in this also, as well other class box guides for other classes.
  4. Alchem The Judge Journeyman

    I've changed my mind on being positive and rallying to convince y'all that Shaman is the correct class to box. You don't deserve it. You don't deserve to be in the presence of Ancestral Grace. You don't deserve to see the power of a Shaman in it's full roar, which you'll never see boxing. Shaman deserve your full attention and skill as an operator. They deserve to be loved, respected and appreciated. Please, please, just make a Cleric box. You deserve that, your server deserves that. Norrath will never be overfilled with more ****box Clerics.

    The Judge, Alchem
    Friday likes this.
  5. Dobs Elder

    Honestly... I am really intrigued by this. A well played shaman has always been hard for me to put a finger on. But i am in no doubt when i encounter one. There's just something you guys do...But what is it?

    Please share!
  6. Onhanis Stonescale Elder

    They don't box, meaning they can focus all of their time and energy on one single character.
  7. Iila Augur

    Yeah, the reason I never write any "How to box a Druid" guides because they would be a guide on how to play the class badly. I try to play my class as well as I can, and I don't mind sharing that info. People can read my posts on how to druid and down sample on their own, but I'm not going to put effort into telling people how to play a crappy druid.
  8. Onhanis Stonescale Elder

    I mean, I rolled a Warrior (just got my 1.0!), but I don't box him. I want my Iksar to be the best he can be.
  9. shruggz Elder

    im not going to pretend I'm a great shaman, and as most have said a single played shaman will be considerably better than a boxed one. but here is what I'm doing with mine
    I only use 2 set up hotkeys if things go pear shaped I tab to the shaman and do what needs doing without pre made keys.
    and I'm sure a ton of people can tell you why what I'm doing would be better if done differently
    but this works for me and until I find a better way its what I do.
    assist key
    /pause 10, /assist puller(name here)
    /pause 10, /pet attack
    /pause 30, /alt activate 1041 (malo)
    /pause 35, /cast 6 (counterbias slow) next line is /pause 30, /cast 9 (insert lions roar or leopard here)
  10. shruggz Elder

    the second key is damage key
    is just bite
    biggest poison dot
    swift poison dot
    swift disease dot
    I'm boxing shaman, mage, bard. once all are engaged then I tab to the shaman and cover heals
    and roar/leopard refresh and whatever else needs doing use primarily the group heals but did recently replace the single target regular heal with the reckless line it heals more hp and more importantly casts 2 seconds or so faster, for whenever all the group heals are greyed out
  11. Nobodyfamous New Member

    I play a magician, and box a healer a lot, usually a druid or cleric, but concept is same.

    Here's the basics how I do it:

    I use 2 separate machines - personally, I use a desktop and a laptop, side by side:

    Hotkey 1: /assist magician pet
    2: nuke multibind
    3: DPS1 - activated AA (5 different /alt act AA on one social key)
    4: DPS2 - activated AA (additional 5 /alt act AA on one key)
    5: single target heal multibind (sham would be reckless > reckless > reckless)
    6: group heal multibind (fast group heal > slow group heal)
    7: HEAL1 - heal boost activated AA (5 different /alt act AA on one social)

    Then I just set up Function Keys to target the various players/pets in group

    Single pulls, just hit 1, then spam 2-3-4 as fast as can, until mob dead, most the time...

    What this does, is casts the best nuke that's available at that time, and also activates any DPS AA that may be available, during global cooldowns between spell casts.

    Occasionally when actually have to heal, use F2 or whichever key to target the player/pet, then spam 5 as fast as possible. If group heals needed, I usually hit 7 a few times quick, to activate heal boost AA, then spam 6 as fast as possible. Usually that means those heals are going to be big, and fast casting.

    Using multibinds on the boxed healer is far more effective than using a macro with pauses. I've boxed my healers in raids, and cast up to 50% more heals, using this method, than mains of same class.

    IMO, activating the DPS AA as soon as they're available instead of waiting for the 'oh crap' moments is better than never using them. Attempting to coordinate them with your other boxed toon(s) is also a major PITA, and IMO, just isn't worth it.

    If wanting to throw counterbias or something in there, of course, just need to shove another key in between there, after assist hotkey.

    Pretty simple, and I'm sure could be done better/more effectively, but can guarantee is much more effective (and responsive) than setting up a bunch of macros.

    As others have said, you're not playing any class to it's fullest, when boxing. But setting a boxed healer up using multibinds instead of macros will be a huge improvement over one that's just macro casting.

    As an example, above, he's not even going to be casting his first spell until a full 5 seconds AFTER tabbing to that toon. Plus, the pauses between casts in a macro need to be long enough so that a touch of lag will still activate the spell, yet too short, and any fizzle or lag spike, and you're going to lose at least 3-4 seconds of non casting anything.

    Anyway, there's my two copper, on boxing a healer.