Shadows of Doom - Antonius Bayle Recruitment Open

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Skiper, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Skiper New Member

    Recruitment is open again! Yay?!

    After fierce battles to down the Tower of Lag raid ranked 3rd serverwide, we are actively looking for new people to replenish our losses and strentghen our ranks. We are looking for a couple of specific classes like a pally and a druid but we won't turn down any other class if it's a serious application. Details for applications can be found at:

    Contact Deillusional, Melita and any class leader (check roster), or simply talk to any member that will point you to the right direction.

    If you want to be part of the best raid (and not only) team in Antonius Bayle, then there is only one way to do so. Simply apply to us :)