Severe frame rate loss when looking at characters/NPCs

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Jaera, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. Jaera Augur

    On a couple of my computers, if I update to the more recent versions of Windows 10, whenever I look at "actors" in the game (NPCs, characters, etc) I start to get exponential frame rate loss. Looking at 6 or so characters reduces the FPS from 60 to around 20, and in raids or when pulling a lot of mobs, it gets even worse, sometimes dropping to sub-1 FPS.

    There is no consistent setup between the machines (some are laptops with Intel/Nvidia duo graphics, some are desktops going straight through older Nvidia cards) and I have tried most of the suggestions I've seen by googling around, such as:
    1. Change the power settings on nvidia to high performance for everything
    2. Change the power settings for Windows 10 to high performance
    3. Add the CPUAffinity#=-1 for each core each system has
    4. Turn on stick figures
    5. Reduce actor and visual draw distances
    6. All advanced graphics options turned off
    7. No spell effects.

    None of the above have affected the issue at all, only reverting to an earlier version of Windows 10 or re-installing windows 7.

    I'm specifically looking for information on two things:
    1. Is there possibly a log I could look at that would show errors going on so I can get more detailed information when this is happening.
    2. Has anyone run into the same frame rate loss when looking at a few other characters or NPCs and been able to successfully fix the issue without reverting to older builds of Windows.

    I have a new laptop that I intended to replace one of the older systems but even reverting to factory defaults on it and applying all of the above changes is not sufficient to stop the issue, so if there's some sort of a change I can/should make that I haven't listed to try, I'd appreciate it before I return the laptop and look for another option.
  2. Telkiney Elder

    If you delete/reinstall oooor do a new install in a new directory and not change anything at all, do you have the issue, like if you ran around plane of knowledge or anything on a fresh install with no issues?

    I've had an issue with severe frame loss and found it only starts after I copy my layout to another character. Took 6 installs to figure that out cuz copying my layout is one of the first things I do with a new character.

    Once I reinstalled and only manually set up every ui on every character... never had the issue again. but what a pita it is.
  3. Jaera Augur

    Wow, I'm a bit shocked but that completely fixed it, at least with the default UI.

    Wonder what's going on with the layouts thats causing it. Regardless, thank you!
  4. Jaera Augur

    Fascinating, I was manually setting everything back up and the problem cropped up again. Right now I've narrowed it down to two things:
    1. Some game setting in the options windows
    2. Something with my custom UI, but only after using the custom UI after restarting the game.

    Looks like its troubleshooting night!
  5. Jaera Augur

    Narrowed it down, at least in my case, to the advanced display option:

    Allow hw Vertex Shaders.

    If this is not turned on, then looking at a mass of "actors" causes the massive slowdown. With this on, there are no issues, regardless of a bunch of other settings.

    Edit: Copied old layout and fixed the above setting, and no frame lag whatsoever.
  6. Kyzvs Augur

    Glad you found your issue - it does point to a 'fix' that DBG could easily do - remove the option.

    The ability to disable hardware vertex shaders is such an old option (15 years+) that it is irrelevant and should be removed when XP support stops, no hardware made this millenium needs it off.
  7. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    This is likely part of the game client optimization project mentioned in the last patch. I heard a rumor that 4k resolutions might be supported once the project is further along.