Setting up a trader

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Cordilya, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. Cordilya Elder

    Okay, I bought a gold membership so I can set up a trader, but I'm stuck.

    I have all my items in the Trader Satchel, and they're all priced, and I've gone to the trader platform to go ahead and start trading. But none of the other traders are displaying, and if I just go stand in a random spot and click on the button to start trading, I get a totally mysterious message that says I have to go stand under the trader platform or something.

    I'm assuming I need to have all the traders displaying so I can find an empty spot to stand. But toggling the "Hide All Traders" button doesn't make any difference--they're still not displaying. What do I need to do to turn them back on?

    Or is there something else I'm missing?

    Hoping this isn't a totally bone-headed question.... Thanks in advance for any help!

  2. moogs Augur

    Go to the Red side of the Bazaar. You might be standing on the Blue side. Red is for selling, Blue is for buying. Try again and I think you will see a ton of traders and where you're supposed to stand to set up shop.
    Borek-VS likes this.
  3. Cordilya Elder

    Thanks, Moogs, that was exactly what I needed to know. I guess I'm dense, because I always just use the "Find" option in the Bazaar and never even noticed there were Red and Blue areas. :p I'm all set now, thanks again!
