Server Wipe please... lvl 50s buffed their alts

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Xenyn, May 20, 2015.

  1. Xenyn Lorekeeper

    Why not just wipe the server and restart.. pretty lame opening 20 minutes early, and lvl 50's buffing their alts and going around plvling themselves.

    the lvl 50 characters started with all their spells, do the right thing wipe it and reset.
    moogs likes this.
  2. Sniggz Elder

  3. Riley Augur

  4. Keen New Member

    Wipe it. It's dead, Jim.
  5. Almir Elder

  6. Heartland Augur

    they're farming stuff for their alts too, handing off bone chips + crushbone belts and other items for their characters

    this plus it was opened earlier than it was announced should make a wipe come out
  7. Goodnews Augur

    You need to give these people buffing level 1s a timeout. Let them log in tomorrow or Friday. I can not help but think the same dregs of society that exist to ruin game economies out of greed are in full force trying to repeat the process in Ragefire.

    This is the time to draw a line in the sand as the Developer and say no further. While it can be nigh impossible to discern who those are when a server is open and churning away, you have a unique opportunity right now to see the people who chose to use those level 50s to exploit... out of greed.

    Hopefully I can log in soon, roll my one character and start enjoying the game.
  8. Zong Journeyman

    Think about people porting Lvl 1s around the world early : ) the list goes on
  9. Xenyn Lorekeeper

    zong, necro from malfeasance?
  10. nosavynada New Member

    +1 for a wipe of all tunes created before 5 when buffs to lvl 50 and buffing and transfer of equipment to lowbie tunes occurred.
  11. Aricka Journeyman

    It's pretty bananas that this happened but please find another way to fix this than wiping toons. Some of us actually got the names we wanted, some of us ran level 1s to places that it's a pain to get to. If it's the only way to fix the problem, fine, I completely understand but if there's another option to rollback these toons without screwing everyone in the process that would be great. Thanks
  12. Zong Journeyman

    Yep that's me. Gm's are asking people in game to just delete their lvl 50s.
  13. Xenyn Lorekeeper

    sweet.. how do you delete 2 hour buffs? with lvl 1-3's running around with 500 hps?
  14. Dontee Elder

    thats weak
  15. moogs Augur

    This makes no sense. At official server launch time, the character database should be completely blank.
  16. The Badger Lord Augur

    So even though the server is locked people are still playing the game? They did not kick everyone off the server?

    and they aren't wiping?
  17. Fekkwin New Member

    You cant be serious?
  18. Senvil New Member

    Too much possible hidden damage. Find the problem then wipe. Otherwise just open it up and let everyone in instead of keeping all of us people that came in on time to a locked server.
  19. Hotix Lorekeeper

  20. Zong Journeyman

    They saying they going to Ban hammer people lol what a joke. Just wipe the thing its your mistake, fix it right. you can NEVER trace everything that those lvl 50s were able to do/ will do.