Server transfers which guilds are moving

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ello-prexus, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. Ello-prexus Journeyman

    Saw on another board that rumors have it that apok and roi are moving to lj. Was curious which guilds are moving
  2. Rhodz Augur

    Reference Europe being divided up circa 1945...
    More krono profit this way so yeah we will find out soon.
  3. Naelbis Elder

    Ragnarrok is moving. Heard a couple others mention in ooc that their guilds are taking the transfers as well but I don't recall their tags atm.
  4. Hateseeker Augur

    So LJ could end up overpopped?
  5. Naelbis Elder

    Midnight Phyre has stated that they are moving.
  6. King Dedede Elder

    No such thing as "overpopulated" server. Just more people to group with.
  7. Azzudien Augur

    Unfortunately what is about to happen is LJ is going to become the over-populated cesspool and at the same time be stuck without Kunark for twice as long as Ragefire.
    Ragefire will become the preferred server to play on as it will have Kunark, lower population and have no competition at the top except TL which will burn out in the end due to trying to lock down every raid target.
    Top end guilds are already burning out and seeing attrition due to EQII progression server roll out and by the never ending batphone calls now that the mobs spawn at an increased rate. Even the most hardcore raider can only endure Sky, Naggy, Hate, Fear and Vox so many times before the shear boredom sets in.
    Buffing the raid mobs definitely made the raid scene fun again and challenging, but the fact that the buffed mobs are still dying to mage armies is going to drive people away from the raid scene pretty quickly.

    Lockjaw even with a raid rotation system will quickly crumble when Ragefires mage armies start flowing onto the server and disrupting rotations. Pile on top of that anywhere from 1-4 raid capable guilds rumored to be making the move and the rotation will be shattered and like my first line above says. Lockjaw will become the cesspool.
    Rhiyannon and Druz like this.
  8. Grish Augur

    That's an interesting theory.

    Fact is a mage army can be made and levelled to 50 in just a few days, so if they want to play on LJ, they are already probably playing on LJ already. I know there are plenty of them.

    The faster server will more likely scare away a lot of the casuals along with a lot of good people that just want a chance at something less toxic. In the end, there is a good chance you are wrong and that the server full of egomaniacal self important blowhards is the one that dies first.

    You may want to reconsider your approach.

    Time will tell.
  9. Zublak Augur

    Most likely just rumors.
  10. Hateseeker Augur

    I meant more populated than RF...bad word choice.
  11. TL_KRONOLORD Augur

    TL is excited to announce we will be moving our 2nd and 3rd mage raids to LJ for optimal Krono farming.
  12. Rhoulicas Augur

    Congrats. However, you won't get any krono for me and I won't be buying any items either. Hope it's bringing enough real life money for you to eat at least three meals a day and afford diapers.
  13. Weverley Augur

    I think it's mostly family guilds that gonna move to LJ.Haven't heard anything about guilds moving out of LJ.
  14. Zublak Augur

    I assume sarcasm. However, it really would not surprise me in the slightest. Although, if they really wanted to farm Krono they could have leveled Mages there already.

    But who knows what the most scandalous guild around is capable of. They take pride in there antics and griefing of others as is.
    Jaxarale01 likes this.
  15. Ello-prexus Journeyman

    I think there will be a healthy population move to LJ. I don't think it'll be overpopped though
  16. Korillo Augur

    With transfers being available from Lockjaw to Ragefire (and not vice versa) once Kunark hits, and a faster unlock schedule, I think it's pretty safe to say Ragefire will always be the healthier of the 2 servers.
  17. Fallfyres Augur

    Faceless got their move on...

    over to EQ II Stormhold TLE server :D.
  18. Finwen Augur

    I don't think that's safe to say at all, but as a member of Lockjaw, I hope you're right.
  19. Grish Augur

    Yeah, I also don't think it's safe to say. I mean sure, maybe 7-10 expansions from now but most of the people playing here don't care about that.

    You are missing a key point. There is 0 risk moving from RF to LJ. You can do it and if you don't like it move right back within 10 days or pay to move back anytime.

    There is a huge risk in moving from LJ to RF as you are then stuck there forever unless you reroll.

    For the forseeable future, LJ which already has a strong population will have a much stronger population. RF will get less crowded and that will probably be a good thing for them.

    I know I can safely move and if/when the time is right, I can move back. Maybe once <unspecified guild> implodes again would be a great time for that.
  20. trevock Augur

    Except that TL has also migrated to EQ2 on the Stormhold server. TL please don't bring your bs to that server too. Can't you just stay in EQ1?