Server population for USA returning player?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by BraxKedren, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. BraxKedren Journeyman

    Haven't played in years but played last night on Vox and my addiction to the crack is back.

    Which servers(s) are the most populated in the US peak times?

    I figure due to lower levels I'll mainly be alone but looking for a populated server to find that community of people to talk to.
  2. moogs Augur

    I like Luclin and Bristlebane for population and generally decent people (outside of general chat).
    Elricvonclief and BraxKedren like this.
  3. Pirouette Augur

    I have had nothing but good experiences on Bristlebane, though I've only visited a few times to play with friends. Tunare is my main server and is at the top of the population charts, and while we have our fill of bad I think the good way overwhelms it.
    BraxKedren likes this.
  4. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    You can view rough server pops on the main page, which basically tells you high vs low server populations.

    As for the community, Zek aside, they are all pretty much the same IMO.
    BraxKedren likes this.
  5. Gonzo Joe Apprentice

    Vox is great for returning players. There's really a solid low level population and peak hours tend to be around US prime time. It can lag off a bit by you reach the mid-levels around 70+, but if you've found a guild by then, there's usually no trouble getting groups. A lot of the mid-level zones have guild groups in them on a regular basis.
    BraxKedren likes this.
  6. BraxKedren Journeyman

    Thanks for the responses all!