Server Maintenance: Friday, Feb 21 @ 6:00AM Pacific

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. Naugrin Augur

    It seemed like the servers went down a minute early. This kept me from rezzing my 67 rog. If i lose that corpse, that is like 30 or maybe 45 seconds worth of xp I can't get back.

    This is an outrage and I demand a double xp weekend in recompense.
    Obiziana and Yinla like this.
  2. Naugrin Augur

  3. Trosh Augur

    I've been having a bunch of lag spikes in PoK, less in other zones but I hope this will fix it!

    It's frustrating to lag, but hopefully we won't have to worry about it anymore! huzzah!
  4. Corvati New Member

    you might be Civil.. but I'm not.. give you all a proof of such a time.
    USA: Elects into office.. George W Bush.. (SR).
    next one... decent.. after... we elected his freaking SON George W Bush (JR).
    No one in this world is EVER perfect... Fact.. I leave the one you quoted a challenge.
    Go find me a "Perfect" person.. and I shall show you a lier.
    Aghinem likes this.
  5. Trosh Augur

    While I can imagine the couple seconds you would have to get your exp back will be quite terrible, I do agree about double exp weekend!

    We have had so many patches and servers have been down so long, that on top of the kick-butt new aa's, I think it would be wonderful to have a nice double exp weekend!
  6. Roglol New Member

    It figures the first time I get a couple hours to play EQ in 3 months.... and the server is down for those couple hours. :(
  7. Corvati New Member

    I lag to all hell in PoK too. But being on a crud system (Easy way to put.. its a DELL). I get near a huge crowd my normal solid FPS drops like a stone into a river.
  8. Trosh Augur

    I haven't been getting local spikes or screen freezing, it's been more a couple seconds of no responce from server over and over.

    I will cast a spell, for instance, and the spell won't actually start casting for 1-2 seconds, stuff like that
  9. Corvati New Member

    I've had that happen to me too, tho I hopeing this patch covers that, but I litterally can see the changes in FPS.. and delays. heck I've even seen the near .5 sec delays I get sometimes in Cresent Reach at times.. and often I can easily blame one for it.. but its not Sony in that reguard.. tho if what they do works it should cut that back. I'll only know tho when the servers go back up
  10. poto Elder

    and therefore its fine!

    its because people accept things not being done right, that things never get done right anymore, but more importantly no one takes, or even feels the need to take, responsibility for the mistakes. I for one wish civility didn't mean people having to accept mediocre services/products. Standards (in everything) just slip year on year and everyone's too afraid to point fingers at the person(s) responsible for mistakes under the illusion things work better if we ignore mistakes.

    Mistakes DO happen. But to learn from them they need to be acknowledge by those who made them.
    Heard their is lag??? No there has been lag introduced by someone(s)

    If the OP had said 'we messed up patching the game and have caused tons of lag. sorry guys our fault, we'll get it sorted', they might feel and look foolish but they would ultimately get more respect. And those who didn't test/check or do whatever caused the effect might actually feel the need to ensure they double check next time.

    simcity5 as a huge example of 'oh come on we know it cost you $80 but that's just how the world is. surely you should accept the game will have bugs for a year+.' The simple fact they couldn't / wouldn't apologize for their pile of **** means they probably lost thousands of future sales on all EA games.
  11. Bardan Masquerader Journeyman

    "Wahh Wahh Wahhh, i'm a modern day Everquest player, I complain about everything, nothing is ever good enough for me. The game runs great 90% of the time but i'll still whine and complain about everything and blame it on the developers and sony even though I have no idea how any of the technology works. Wahhh, and then i'll make the same "smart" annoying remarks over and over again each time the developers post an update or maintenance, I only have complaints but no suggestions. Wahhh Wahhhh Wahhhh, time to change my diaper, so i'm going to have to call my mom downstairs to my basement bedroom/boiler room so she can change it for me."
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Trosh like this.
  12. Phrett Augur

    They should hire you to do it... since it's so easy apparently

  13. Bartender New Member

    I second the double XP weekend
  14. Trosh Augur

    This is true, but what do you expect gamers to do, especially when they are idle at a screen with nothing to distract them hehe.

    It's not like the server dudes all got together and said "Well yes, I think this will be a good patch to fix things, but lets just throw a stick in there and make something else break"

    Go do laundry or read a book! it's only 2 hours!
  15. Aeilnien New Member

    It seems to me that maybe....just maybe the beaming/swarming lag issue was a bunch of BS fabricated as a lame excuse to change the game because they wanted to push a system that can easily reward some new player with cash to play....just maybe....Um and yea there was very little lag before the patch....nice one Devs....
  16. Graystone Journeyman

    I have had this account for 9 years now and not once have I been disappointed with SoE's updates. Things change, people need to learn how to cope with that change. I applaud SoE as a whole for their continued and ongoing updates and fixes to current issues in this game. For a game released back in 1999 to have this much of a fan base and continued support is astounding. Thank you, SoE!
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  17. Supp New Member

    Or just give me more AA
  18. Supp New Member

    Im tired of all the cry babies
    Phrett likes this.
  19. Supp New Member

    Tru Dat
  20. Trosh Augur

    They didn't need to fabricate anything, and they said that specifically in the patch. the server lag was ONE of the reasons, yes, but not the MAIN reason

    They said very specifically "This is not how we meant these things to be used, so we are fixing them. Sorry for the mess-up, our collective bad"
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.