server for starting new

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Thorrdin, Mar 19, 2016.

  1. Thorrdin New Member

    Hello all, I know you probably see these a lot, and i know i have read a lot but, is there honestly a server TLP or otherwise where the low 1 to 50 have the ability to group, no boxing, no need for mercs, just groups of low levels running around and grouping in areas? Interested in coming back but i fear the game i loved is long gone and has been replaced with multi boxing and use of mercs, and has no new blood coming in where players group like they use to
  2. Weverley Augur

    Phinny would be the closest to what u want.At the moment we are starting kunark so max level is 60.Mercenary are a long way since they gonna be introduce with seeds of destruction which is many years away.Some box but those that do need to have more then 1 pc to do so because daybreak introduce a mechanic that if you try to open more then 1 account on a computer you get disconnected from the game.The vast majority of players have only 1 account and since xp from soloing is pretty bad you see people at level 2 asking for group.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  3. AlmarsGuides Augur

    Short sweet and simple answer.

    TLP Hellz yea

    Live Hellz naw
  4. Anhari Augur

    Phinigel, YES, groupage exists from Level 2 on. You even see /ooc's for level 1 group requests but those get mostly ignored since there is no real need to group as a level 1 char.

    Velious will open on Phinigel sometime in June (12 week cycle) so you should have plenty of time to enjoy Kunark before the race to kill the Sleeper starts. who knows, you may even be able to get into a guild that takes her down 1st! (open world, not instanced).
  5. skattabrainz Augur

    lots of the live servers have guilds wth altaholics where you would be able to group (xegony has 4) , but there would be the expectation of mercs being used.

    phinny doesnt have all the expansion content but it has the grouping experience you seek :)
  6. Greybear New Member

    As a player who started in Classic Beta and played through LDoN, Phinny was my choice to come back and start all over. I still have a wizard on BB, but the game is totally foreign to me there now. Starting fresh on Phinny was just what I was looking for. The population in the newbie zones seems just right even though Kunark is live now. Getting a good group of fun players has been easy, and the experience is nearly identical to what EQ was when it was young. I highly recommend it!
    skattabrainz likes this.
  7. MoveFastRZ Bloodsaber

    Sharp learning curve on live servers. Plan on dedicating a month or so to just getting back into the game. That said, you'll eventually get back up to speed. On busy servers (Bristle, Xeg, etc.) Crescent reach does have a few bona fide newbies or returning-from-scratch players in it most of the time. Vox has the best flow of these players, since it is designated for new players on the login screen. Whether to start at level 1 or buy a Heroic is an important decision. Heroic can cut down the amount of time before you're in grouping range of most players, but you will have literally 50+ spells, abilities, etc. that you're not familiar with and will need to learn before you're effect. The Heroic newb factor is very real: People buy these toons and never figure out how to play them.
    Wildrose likes this.
  8. Chill New Member

    Phinny bro