Sepulcher East - Wind Portal - Bugged

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Windance, Jan 18, 2023.

  1. Windance Augur

    Category: Doors/Portals [Can Repro]
    Date/Time: Wed Jan 18 04:26:58 2023

    Zone: Sepulcher East
    Location: 2029.00, -221.00, 379.34, 194.33

    Description: The portal from 2C to Room 4B is bugged causing infinite skydiving loop.

    There is a large room in the north most area of that has 4 levels. You travel between levels by entering a vertical tube of various color particles and get "flung" up or down to a new level.

    Normally the "Up" tunnels fling you up and then over a little bit so you don't keep triggering the up fling.

    The portal from 2C to 4B flings you up and over but then continues to trigger each time to you to the floor. This creates an infinite loop that you can't get out of. Tried moving forward, backward, strafing, /rewind and even /quiting. The only way to get out of the loop is to spam an insta cast gate spell.

    Sadly the area in quest has a few named or I would leave the area alone.