Selo PoP Flag Event

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Seear, Jul 12, 2019.

  1. Seear New Member

    Circulus Interiorem Will be hosting a Flagging event on Tuesday 7/16 at 5pm EST, our main raid force will be blowing though the early PoP flags, at least to tier 3, hopefully to Elementals, time permitting. Mains, Alts, Boxes all welcome, Room permitting. We will be moving though this content fast and discord will be strongly recommended for instructions. No hand holding, no COTH, be able to stay with raid force or be left behind. Loot will be one item per person, and open rolls, but CI reserves the right for any and all loot if needed. If you have any questions please contact Seearheal in game or on this thread.

    We also are actively recruiting most classes, if you are interested in joining our raid force we raid Monday and Wednesday 7-11pm EST and you can contact myself (Seearheal) or Papparage in game.
    Miss_Jackie and Rasper Helpdesk like this.
  2. Iyacc Augur

    Great to see! We recently did an open flag run and it was a lot of fun. Looooong day but lot of people got flags and new friends were made.
    JBizzle likes this.
  3. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Are you all the progression guild?
  4. Seear New Member

    We are currently farming Elemental Plans and Progressing though Plane of Time. This coming week will be the first week we give both raid nights to Plane of Time. We normally get to Zek Brothers right before raid ends.
  5. Seear New Member

    Bump, This happens tomorrow
  6. Corilleous Elder

    I might come on my Bard Symphonee Lvl 65 if you all have room.
  7. Seear New Member

    yea we still have room, hope to see you there.