Sell Bind Affinity Potions on Loyalty Merchant or Add Soulbindee to Hotzones.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Benito, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    The old advantage to having rarely rotating hot zones was the fact that you could get "Ping's Pinning Potion Pack" (Potion of Binding x 5) and bind your Melee characters to The Grounds or Valley of Lunalyn or which ever hot zone you were using with the expectation that it would be lasting. I would like to see Bind Affinity potions sold on Loyalty Merchant so that Melee classes can bind to one of the new rotation zones or perhaps even have a Soulbinder in each hot zone. You could set the Bind Affinity potions at 400+ or so loyalty tokens each (same as Unattuner) so that a Silver/All Access account with full 120 Loyalty tokens velocity would potentially get a potion each month and thus would not be abused.
  2. segap Augur

    Seriously? They rotate every three months. If you don't out level those zones in that time, binding there is not your problem. If all you do is spend 15 minutes a day doing three of the 5 kill tasks (no other exp of any kind), you'll out level hotzones in 1-2 weeks.
  3. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I am mostly focused on the top tier zones (90/95) for repeated top leveling and AAing on casual alts. There is nothing game-breaking about fairly inaccessible/expensive bind potions at this point. It would only help returning Melee players or your Melee alts sharing your Druid/Wiz account or where setting up a campfire is more inconvenient (bringing 3 chars) than the actual task itself. It's a fairly benign request since Ping's Pinning packs are in game. Why does a solo rogue have to run from Argath to Sarith when a solo enchanter can merely gate there? We are beyond a certain point in travel.
  4. Zamiam Augur

    box a druid or a wizzy and bind or drop a campfire
  5. segap Augur

    So you want them to spend dev time making something so it's more convenient for you to quickly level off a hoard of alts?

    Auto grant goes up to 95. Previously the exp from the hotzone tasks really slowed down at 95. With the addition of the 95, you can likely stretch that out to 100, but only fractionally as the 85 becomes near nothing and the 90 tapers off. Then the exp you gain really isn't worth the effort. All the zones themselves even with the bonus zem, will still suck for grinding past 95. All in all, you'll have about a week, maybe two of playing to actually utilize the zones until you're better off going to a higher level location and just grinding. Or hit cotf HAs if you're not sick of them. Then again, if you're constantly topping off new alts in the same hotzones over and over again, you're obviously not one to get bored of the same place.
  6. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Bind potions already exist (i.e. Potion of Binding). Devs merely have to place it on Loyalty Vendor and set price at 400 or so tokens.

    Who are you to tell me how to play? If I want to XP at 95 hot zone because I have like 10 minutes to play versus 30 minutes or so for Dead Hills run then that should be my choice. (it might be easier for bored veterans or returning players to do hot zones since it's more leisurely at 5 mobs. Not everything has to be grind). Your own post admits that hot zones are hardly exploitable for XP so I don't understand your opposition.