Seeking the Sorceror - Zrelik the Brave and zoning

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Duder, Apr 20, 2020.

  1. Duder Augur

    There is some sort of bug I cannot home in on where Zrelik will not zone you into the hero and/or raid (occurs with both). My first hand occurrence is with the group hero mission.

    I did not have a tasktimer. I was in a different pick than the mission was got in. I tried to zone in from the different pick. I picked over and tried to zone in there. I wasn't mounted (I have heard people say he zoned them in after they got off their mount.) I wasn't Invs or IVU. I dropped task and got task added and he still wouldn't zone me in. I relogged, didn't zone me in. I dropped task, relogged, logged back in and got taskadded and still wouldn't let me in. Gave up.

    All he responds with is:

    Over and over and over.
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