screwed up mounts

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by sucubae, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. sucubae Lorekeeper

    first off I will not buy the expansion, so why is it now that in order for me to cast my mount I have to go through these steps:
    I am a level 100 sk.
    I hit my abyssal steed hot button. I now have to wait about 3-5 seconds on what used to be an instant cast.
    at the end of the cast an icon appears on my cursor.
    I have to put that icon in my inventory and click it to finally get my mount.

    it is crap like this that I will never buy this expansion. I can handle changing the cast time, but the other crap. stuff like this is why this game is in its death throws.
  2. Lighteningrod Augur

    I know right! A five second cast time to create the bridle once. Then you have to mouse all the way across the screen to replace the AA button. Things will never be the same again.
  3. sucubae Lorekeeper

    no its about the fact you have to buy the expansion or keep that icon in your inventory to get your mount without going through the steps again.