
Discussion in 'Casters' started by Deckerd Smeckerd, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Deckerd Smeckerd Augur

    I have been wondering what uses enchanters make of our runes. Self runes are self explanatory but what about Brimstone Eminence? I notice that this is a line of spells that goes pretty much all the way back to lower levels. Do you ever find a use for this spell line? It has a 12 second recast delay so I assume that it would be considered overpowered if it were instant refresh. What about our single target runes like Terrifying Rune? Do enchanters do rune rotations when they are fighting raid mobs to take pressure off of healers? For instance are there mobs that do so much dps that enchanters have to use runes to help keep the main tank alive? Is the Brimstone eminence line of spells used this way? Terrifying Rune seems like it would be pretty powerful if you had 4 or 5 enchanters using it to keep the main tank's agro high and to help keep him standing. It doesn't even take a peridot or at least it doesn't say it does on Allah.

    What about in a group setting? Have you found these runes to be useful? What about spells like Legion of Xolok? We get these spell mitigation runes going way back in levels. I have not found much use for them when soloing because casters are usually less dangerous than melee mobs and much easier.

    Anyways, just curious.
  2. silku Augur

    I very seldom use anything other than group rune and glyph spray in a group setting. The occasional named mob might need a rune or so, but it's always a case by case basis. If the mob is extremely magic resistant, and I'm doing nothing but standing there.. I'll rune the tank to help out. The aggro buff on the one terror rune I don't find to be enough to worry about in a group setting either. Most tanks I've found are good at holding aggro by the time they are 100, or at the very least the other players seem to have figured out how to control their own aggro.

    To be honest.. I find that our spinstun is much more efficient on any non named mob, and I make liberal use of that. I'd rather stun the mob lowering it's output for a few seconds, than to try to absorb the damage. If the healer is having immense problems with the tank.. I might load a rune... but once again, I find it better to kill the mob faster or stun than to bother runeing.
  3. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    The BE line used to add a strength buff as well. I mostly used it back in the day to save money in Peridots. Today it's useful because it stacks with the regular runes that do cost Peridots. Given time, I'll dole it out before a big fight. Why not?

    Terrifying Rune is mostly unnecessary, though I do use it on the rare occasion I pick up a low aggro tank, or on the occasional raid for various purposes. Generally, a single cast on the tank before the fight is sufficient aggro-wise. The mechanic of multiple enchanters working to keep aggro locked doesn't exist afaik because raid tanks either have the tools they need to get and keep aggro, or the event is designed to make that impossible regardless of aggro abilities.

    In groups, I generally only use self runes to protect myself from my charmed pets, but there are named that runes are useful on. Healer mercs don't respond we'll to runes. "Oh, the Enchanter put a little rune on the tank. Since he's safe, I guess I'll duck out of this heal, and top off Shiny Bob instead" -A_Merc_Healer003

    I think our runes are under-utilized on raids, but most raid forces don't include enough Enchanters to have at least one on Rune duty, and even those at do generally wont engage a target that they'd need more healing than their healers can provide without us.
  4. Deckerd Smeckerd Augur