ROTE Cazic-Thule Arx 5 #2 video

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Merlaster, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. Merlaster New Member

    We downed Arx 5 two weeks in a row last week was our first successful attempt for Return of the Exiled. Check out the video!
  2. Kirbane Augur

    Maedhros looking good, Emgugz doing some heavy lifting and Crupp spamming them heals.
    Grats on the kill & loots!
  3. Kravitz Augur

    This video reinforces my thought on why someone playing an mmorpg is not entertaining. Watched the first 10 secs, and I'm going to assume the rest of it is 54 people hitting auto attack and casting spells.;)