RoS Rare Named Container

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Denial_Sinfae, Jun 3, 2018.

  1. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    Was cycling the timed named in VP today. Had a container drop on one. It was the 20 slot weapons crate.

    Is this supposed to drop from them?
  2. Nniki Augur

    Named in House of Thule and higher expansions have a very rare chance to drop a few different containers.
  3. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    I was under the impression they scaled to the expansion.

    TBM: Enameled Box
    EoK: Satchel of the Combine Hero
    RoS: Sebilisian Satchel

    Is that impression wrong? I've had a lot of named kills to not see that trash drop in any previous expansion since House of Thule. I've seen multiple drops of every other expansion themed container.
  4. Qbert Gallifreyan

    The ones you listed are right and expansion-specific (there are more, such as Caravan Satchel in TBM, also). The "scuffed" containers drop from any named HoT+ as previously mentioned.
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