
Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Norok, Mar 16, 2019.

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  1. Norok Journeyman

    Finally get all boxes in. Get to level 4. Zone to sell. DC.

    Log in 2/4. ROLLBACK to level 2, none of my loot.

    Still can't claim my purchased bag.

    This is why you don't launch on weekends.
    Stormbow1027 and Ghostdog like this.
  2. PresidentBenFranklin New Member

    Most people haven't even been able to log in, let alone make a character after 5 hours. You should consider yourself lucky.
    Fallfyres, Bios and Stormbow1027 like this.
  3. Norok Journeyman


    Lucky is having a smooth weekday launch where I do not have a rollback and all of my group can log on.
  4. rippah30 Lorekeeper

    It was exactly the same on week day launches
  5. Not_Entelion Journeyman

    False. Coirnav sucked for about 2 hours then it was perfect, Agnarr was the same. Quit lying to people.
    Ayar, Norok and Lakeland like this.
  6. sleka Lorekeeper

    I'm pretty sure this post is about wanting to be checked out for third party violations.
  7. Jedipokey The Devs have become better at Apathy! (380)

    It is lucky, you got 12 toons in and we can’t even get 1 in
  8. Norok Journeyman


    This ranks only second to Ragefire where the Store bought exploiting was so bad people were level 50 in the first hour and it had to be rolled back.
  9. Jedipokey The Devs have become better at Apathy! (380)

    seriously? That’s crazy. Buy enough 25% coupon potions, stack em and be at 40000% XP?
  10. Stagentti Augur

    Agnarr was closer to 4+ hours.

    You can literally go back and read the dev update posts from launch and look at the time stamps.
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