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Ring of Scale mounts in premium edition

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Magic, Sep 26, 2018.

  1. Magic Augur

    Them cant be claimed on progression servers at all, or in some expansion them be available?
  2. Zanarnar Augur

    logic would indicate they are tied to the RoS expansion unlocking. SO your in for a wait if you want to use one on the TLP servers.
  3. Getonethingright New Member

    On phinigel they claimed the Kunark expansion mounts, we were all suspended for a week. We called it "claim gate" so if you get told by someone on how to claim it don't do it. They will just suspend you and take the mount away not even putting it back into your /claim. Waste of 100 bucks.
  4. Ryak Augur

    That was when they were being claimed via an exploit, which has subsequently been fixed. If the mount is legitimately claimable, it's not like they're going to ban people for doing it.

    But it probably won't be because I think these mounts have even more excessively out of era buffs than the standard out of era buff mounts that are available now.
  5. Raltar Augur

    Stuff is in my /claim window, but not claimable. So yeah, when the expansion unlocks on your server, you can claim it. But not until then.
  6. Numiko Augur

    you can claim the 40 slot bag and the 12 hour 25% exp potion, but its a pretty expensive way to get an short term exp boost and a Big bag.
  7. That One Guy Augur

    Ohhh Claim Gate! The bug that was in the game for like a year, they refused to fix it when it was reported, then it was posted on the forums for everyone to see. Tons of people saw the forum post and then claimed out of era things and then they finally fixed it + suspended 100 people.
  8. Getonethingright New Member

    I opend claim, it was highlighted and claim was clickable, clicked it, took a 3 day good ole dbg
  9. Zanados Lorekeeper

    If you choose the Collector's edition, which has both of those items, it is $45, and then the additional 10% off for being a member, coming to $40.50.

    If you get a broker's bag, which is the same 40 slot bag, with 3 2 hour 25% exp pots, it is $35, with 10% off, which comes out to $31.50.

    So, for an extra $9, you get the newest expansion, and a bunch of other stuff to claim on live servers, or if you are still playing the TLP when it reaches RoS (heh...).

    Oh, you can also only get the Broker's bag once. So, with account transfers no longer active, this is the only way to get an additional 40 slot bag (plus, it would be cheaper than the old method of purchasing bag on an account, and spending $25 to transfer a toon to your main account with the bag on it).

    I did the deal with EoK to get the Duffel of Di`Zok, and did it this year as well. I find it to be a solid deal.
  10. Aegir Augur

    If you look at the mountbuff gained from these claims, it would be game-breaking to have these mounts in TLP era.....

    However, making them claimable on the TLP server after Luclin Unlocks without the Mount Buff could be a nice source of extra income for DBG? I don't see any problem with that.
  11. Numiko Augur

    I can never complain about how people spend their money after buying a founders edition of Landmark :eek:

    at least my name was in the credits for a little while! .. *sigh* :oops:
  12. snailish Augur

    load up /claim with things applicable on progression = more incentive to buy the expac.

    I've bought expacs I have never set foot in...

    But most need more of a reason --and some only play progression.

    Buffs and such can be era-gated... though that gate for 99% of things could probably be right after TSS if not sooner.
  13. Magic Augur

    Why them not add good mount, with no game-breaking stats but anyone can claim on TLP? :)
    Like mounts from heritage crate, them fast but with no stats.
    This way more ppl will buy expansion packs.
  14. Zipe The Healer

    Game monetization is almost a sicence now.
    If you plan to give counsel, as a customer with your single minded point of view with a perspective you think it's ok but it's wrong, to DBG, a company that got its revenue from the monetization of their games and got professionals thinking all day on how to get your bucks from you on the mid-long term. If you plan to, and yet you think you are right and they are wrong, maybe you should apply to DBG instead of losing your time on the forums, maybe your ideas are, by the end, right and you'll save us some suffering.