Returning Troll SK for tlp

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by traductus, Mar 9, 2024.

  1. traductus New Member

    Hey everyone, I am returning from a long hiatus. I last played on Fippy through Velious and am looking to return for the new TLP.
    I want to play another Troll SK and I don’t recall the stats I pumped (probably all stam, I was one tank for raids). I know in the end game it doesn’t matter, but I am more interested in the early game. I have done reasearch and remember the conflicting information about it. Would it be better to all int, sta or a mix?
    Thanks for the advice everyone!
  2. Szilent Augur

    do trolls start with 75 agi? that was a thing 25y ago for ogres, having to put in Agi to not be penalized on AC
  3. fransisco Augur

    Not tlp, but I wish most racials still meant something. Ogres have frontal immunity (which is less important for SK but non-tanks love it). What if Troll regen translated into a 1% chance for heals to crit on them or something.
  4. WeCameWeConquered Elder

    Iksar and Trolls have double natural regen; imo, Trolls should have triple, given that Iksar get extra AC as well. In the big picture, it's nothing much, but so are most racials.
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