Returning to Povar - Quellious.. old guild is gone.

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Zaxamaphone, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Zaxamaphone Augur

    Greetings all.

    I am currently a member of War Nerve which is a guild created for alts of the Triton guild. I've returned from a 2.5 year absence on my 90 Bard to discover that the guild may still be around in name, but there aren't any members on.

    I'm looking for a guild of experienced players that group together, help each other with quests/events and progression. I've played EQ since 1999. I'm an adult with a life and a love of EQ. I'm not looking for hand outs of money or items. I'm not a guild jumper, the only time I have left guilds it's because they ceased to exist.

    Thank you.