Returning - New UI is messing me up.

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by LaserZebra, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. LaserZebra New Member

    Tried twice now to get back into EQ - but the new UI has put me off each time. It's super cluttered and messy.
    My google search found but it is not up to date for the current version.

    Can anyone suggest a classic-ish UI? Something like what's shown in the link? Thanks in advance
  2. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I use the default UI so I don't have to mess with issues that pop up from conflicts with custom UI's. I moved my windows around so it looks very much like what you posted. All the stuff around the edge then the big open space in the middle, closed a couple windows I won't use etc. Have you tried resizing your windows and moving them around? That way you would not have to deal with whatever UI you pick also going out of date in the future. :(
  3. SomeEQGuy Elder