Returning necro, Death bloom nerf dev read plz

Discussion in 'Casters' started by JHReaper777, May 9, 2015.

  1. JHReaper777 New Member

    Death bloom nerf is not cool. Please revert back. It's the whole reason i started my necro a few years back. The class does not have that wow factor to me anymore. I just want my deathbloom back please. Just thought i'd post before i just up and left the game. I know no one will care if i leave, but at least the devs will be without excuse. Change it back, please.
  2. Apoc Augur

    Is this greydeeds ?
    guado and Fenudir like this.
  3. JHReaper777 New Member

    no, just a concerned customer
  4. sifonin Augur

    Death bloom, while a useful ability, does not make or break the necro class the way it is currently set. I am a 105 raid necro, and sitting at 94k mana with my epic equipped, the 16,000 mana that death bloom provides every 10 minutes on raid combined with intelligent use of the blood magic ability, I find that I have more than enough to do my job and then some. The necro class is alive and well and of played to its curent potential, is a valued asset to any raid/ group in new content.
    Fenudir likes this.
  5. sifonin Augur

    The devs have also stated multiple times in different forums that death bloom will remain as is.
  6. Vivamort Augur

    I shiver every time I see a necro thread pop up here. And it seems to be happening more and more.

    Deathbloom should have never been nerfed. The nerf didn't do what they wanted it to, and what they wanted it to do, wasn't needed anyway. Since their understanding of the relationship of mana to necro DPS is wrong and they think more mana was equivalent to more DPS for dot casters like it is for DD casters. which it isn't. So instead they hurt group necros, and tried to compensate them by creating a new AA that wasn't usable in raids (as their intent was to lower raid necro DPS) and was inferior, in that it required one to be in OOC regen mode to activate it. And on top of this, the other caster DPS classes have superior mana regen than necros now (well I know one does for sure, not sure about the other). Given they blow through mana much faster when they want to turn up the heat... but still, necro and mana regen used to a thing.

    Anyway, here I am adding to the problem of necro questions getting posted here by posting and pushing this back to the top, and I feel dirty for doing it. Please stop asking and answering necro questions here, nothing good comes from it.
  7. Silv Augur

    Anything with some variation of 'dev plz read~!?!?!11!' in it is doomed for failure.

    And yeah... like Vivamort said... have half of the necros gone insane? Some people need their Necro Club Card revoked.
    Fenudir and Sancus like this.
  8. JHReaper777 New Member

    and just what exactly is wrong with posting this? Or you just trying to look cool infront of other necros?
  9. Silv Augur

    I'm not a necro so I really don't care what they think of me. The fact that YOU posted this here shows how 'un-cool' you are in front of other necros. The official EQ forums have never - and never will be - the go to place for anything remotely important related to the Necro class. They[necros] played it smart over all these years. That was due in large part to the lack of posting on these forums.

    I'm an Enchanter, a class that has had most of it's nerfs brought down by the hammer due to a lack of friendly community and posting on THESE forums. The classes that don't post here - they fair much better. But sure, think I'm trying to be a smart@ss all you want; I'm just trying to help.

    The original DB nerf was made slightly-less-suck after 30+ pages of Necros crying here. I doubt you'll get much better at this point. So, if Deathbloom was what made the class shiny and awesome (/boggle) then it's time to re-roll.

    Edit: And before someone brings up the argument 'you don't play a necro', I actually do have a necro alt I play regularly. I'm not pro but I'm also not a naïve n00b to the class. I just had a feeling this would be coming next if I didn't state it.
    Vivamort likes this.
  10. Random_Enchanter Augur

    There is nothing wrong with posting it here.

    There IS something wrong if you honestly expect that the developers/DBG will turn around a decision made for the betterment of the game. And that 'nerf' being put back INTO the game would allow that class to totally overpower other classes in comparison.

    Examples of this are, and not limited to
    - Pets being able to tank 4 mobs at once with out heals
    - Nigh unlimited mana on ANY class (yes the enchanter one is going away as well)
    - Being able to make unlimited plat with vendor bought items
    - Being able to auto crit for 400% damage, almost on demand, for every spell.

    that sort of stuff doesn't make the game fun for anyone or entails that hey, if your not (insert class here) well, you fail this game.

    Don't believe me? Watch the new progression server and count the % of monks & pet classes on it.
    Sheex likes this.
  11. menown Augur

    Beastlords would be so OP!!!
  12. Bobsmith Augur

  13. Vivamort Augur

    Do you want information on necros so you can play a necro better? Here are your best choices for getting the info you want. In order of preference.

    1) Research it yourself. (even if this doesn't completely answer your question, it will give you ideas for better, and more thought out questions)
    2) Ask a necromancer that seems to know what they are doing in tells. (most of us won't blow you off)
    3) Ask on a necro board (Arch lich (very restricted access), or failing that Necrotalk (it may appear dead, but lots of talented Necros lurk there still)).
    4) server-wide channel
    5) Never here, where it is more likely to be hi-jacked and then told why it is stupid that you (the necro asking the question) think something should be changed/given wrong or incomplete information (see random_enchanter's post for wrong information, at least as it pertains to deathbloom) and will bring out all the necro haters when it gets heated.

    Why do necros have this so called "necro club" and why it has mostly worked out for them so far?

    By keeping the discussions mostly to ourselves, we can come to a consensus on what we should do/say in the public forums, like Beta forums, or here, and speak with one voice. Which has helped us on many issues in the past, like avoiding nerfs that don't do what the Devs are wanting/expecting, and/or getting us cool AAs and Spells, or turning lack luster AAs and Spells into something that will be used.

    With the exception of a few times when some necro with a vendetta against some other necros made it his goal to sabotage what was agreed upon, it has made IRC discussions and Forum posts produce more and better results because we speak with one voice. So in other words, Necro Club is really about communication.
    Silv likes this.
  14. Phrovo1 Augur

    Standing at max spell range probably helps too.
  15. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Well, some people find god mode fun, but they also need to have the maturity to recognize comically broken things are indeed broken and grow up instead of omg wristcut canceling 27 gold accounts I've been playing since 1992.

    In this case dickbloom was a pretty bad change with the patchwork blossom and stuff, but it certainly hasn't destroyed the class like a lot of folks whined it would.
    Sancus and Fenudir like this.
  16. Random_Enchanter Augur

    For the unlimited mana thing i was more using the case of enchanter's azure crystal than death bloom. sorry if it came off that way.
  17. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Your point isn't wrong - it's just Deathbloom's change was done more poorly than most - ie creating a duplicate ability on the original timer to use when ooc.
  18. Siddar Augur

    A huge number of necros retired right at the same time as deathbloom was nerfed. Did it kill necros as a class nobut it basically killed necrotalk forums. Was that about deathbloom nerf are simply a bad expansion are both its hard to say.
    Sancus and Silv like this.
  19. Silv Augur

    Melee DPS anti-Enchanter post INC again.
    Sancus likes this.
  20. Fenudir Augur

    You have to admit that a enchanter's ability to rune tank T1 named with out a healer and chain proc chromatic haze is a little much.

    (Good enough anti-chanter start?)
    Silv and Sheex like this.