Returning After Long Time :)

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Calditil25, Oct 7, 2016.

  1. Calditil25 New Member

    Hello all! :). Well after finding myself in a good spot to get back into gaming I wanted try a return to EQ. I love this game and the new progression servers sound awesome! I have been trying read through but a lot to get narrowed down so wanna try getting some advice from some fellow peeps.

    I'm not sure which server i want to play on just yet, lockjaw, rage-fire, or phinny. From my understanding LJ and RF are both vote unlock and can box there. Phinny is a set time unlock without vote but a no box server? Not sure if this info is correct, if so i wondering is Phinny striaght up no boxes what so ever like for example i wanted box a necro with a shaman (just those 2) is that not allowed? Its fine if it is just not sure and would hate log in and get into trouble trying something lol. Way back when i used to box 2 toons at time ( so uncoordinated enough to do more then that lol) and it was fun but in this case to keep it old school I have no trouble doing just one.

    Guess second thing is, I'm looking for some friendly/active people to hang out with game and chat all in all just some people kick back with and shoot the breeze as enjoy leveling and teaching me ropes of game and such. As with any mmo, I may love the game but if i dont have people to interact with and have good time with I can never find myself sticking around for long cause lets be honest whats point of an MMO without the MM part hehe. So guess with help deciding on server I will be needing a guild to accept a wee peon such as myself. The one thing that kinda deters me from RF and LJ is i have looked several times and the population on front page always low there...

    Well guess that's about it , thank you for anyone who replies and i appreciate you taking time to message and let me know about the game. Have a wonderful day and hope see some you in game!
  2. Gremin Augur

  3. Kahna Augur

    Phinny is not a no-box server. it is a True Box server. You can only log in one account per computer. This is enforced by the game, it won't allow you to log in more than one account per computer. You can, however, log in as many accounts as you have computers. So you could easily do your two box set up with a second computer. Many people two box on Phinny.

    If you are looking for a strong, lower level community, Phinny is the best call. True-box has really strengthened the community. RF and LJ are at the tail end of an expansion, and don't have nearly as strong a leveling game. They are friendly to new folks, but even still you are going to spend a lot of time alone until you get close to max level.
  4. Arclan Elder

    The only real option; unless you want to solo all the time on a fairly dead server; is Phinny. Tons of boxing going on too, but i guess you need to use separate computers for each box. Tanks have always been in short supply, and the past week has shown that to be the case even more so. Odds are you will make friends leveling up on Phinny; and find it easy to get into a guild after your first week or two. Phinny launches expansions every month, I think? Luclin launched September 26 (ish).
  5. Astley Augur

    Phinny is the most-populated server, and still currently pretty well balanced for leveling progression throughout. Guilds of many different sizes and styles, from casual to hard-raiding.

    If you want to box, you need a separate computer for each one basically. But you CAN multi-box as long as you have the computers set up for that.
  6. Belfort New Member

    2 or 3 boxing is still easily manageable if you have multiple computers, apparently a $99 laptop can run EQ fine, although my machines were bought for other games so tend to be overkill.

    Lots of people box 2 or 3 chars on Phinny, 4+ crews do exist but seem to be very rare compared to RF/LJ.
  7. Zool Elder

    I bet all three servers are good if you can find the right guild.
  8. Calditil25 New Member

    thank you all for your replies ! So by sounds of it phinny most likely be my better bet :). I do have 2 comps a labtop which is my primary and my retro comp lol, but it handles eq just fine but not a whole lot else so nice to know that is a viable option. Far as what im gonna raise now thats another story hehe. Just got home and got game downloading while making some supper so gonna think on it.

    I most likely since going phinny play a bst always loved that class but not sure just yet what pair with it was thinking possible necro? But i do agree Zool on your last post about all could be good if right guild, thats mostly my thing if i can just find the people hang out with can make it fun either way :).
  9. Behee Augur

    Phini expansions are usually every 3 months, but it is about 4 months this time until PoP.