Resetting home town

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Newbie Again, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. Newbie Again Journeyman

    Is it possible to reset my home town?

    I created a freebie wood elf who's now 35, bound in CR and would like to get his home town set to LFay. Is it possible to do that once you go gold?
  2. Sebbina Augur

    Not really, but, for 35 levels you could get that in a few hours on a restart, though I prefer CR as a start city, because once you know your way around, you can start any race/class, and get to 20 fair quick.
  3. Newbie Again Journeyman

    Aw well. I like CR and I do know it, I just want to play a char 'the old way', levelling in Crushbone, etc :)

    Thanks for the answer.
    Cazmac likes this.
  4. Borek-VS Augur

    There is a command to change your home town: /setstartcity, but it may not be enabled for you. I don't think there is a marketplace option for it, although there could be; I have heard of characters having their home city reset in similar circumstances. A /petition should clarify that for you.
  5. Ratbo Peep Augur

    You're right - it's only enabled for gold accounts.
    And then is the question if it will work with newer accounts - or if you had to be a pre Crescent Reach account to get the choices of the old starting city.
    -Rat (had an old account - reset it to Surefall Glade)