Request Next Expansion: New Trophies

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Gnomereaper, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. Gnomereaper Augur

    Trophies are a really nice system, there are several that are quite useful.

    1. There haven't been any new guild trophies in quite sometime, these offer up the capacity to have something in the GGH and as well as practical application for progression.

    2. Trophies that are tradeskilled, not necessarily tradeskill trophies. There are several LoN trophies, but there aren't any trophies that can be crafted.

    What are your thoughts?
  2. fransisco Augur

    Trophies force you to waste time on housing even if you don't want to, and are a pain to manage.

    They need to simplify this and removing the housing requirements.
  3. smash Augur

    RoS, should have had a new keyring, where you could put trophies in.
  4. Bobsmith Augur

    Other than a key ring or as Koryu suggested in the QoL thread a bandolier option, how much easier do you need it? Put all personal trophies in a house once and then manage it from anywhere o.0
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    As long as it doesn't need to go in house or guild hall sure. Many still haven't got their house items sorted and we were missing our guild hall for months last year.

    NO to anymore house/guild hall items
  6. Lianeb Augur

    Not a bandolier but EQ Button > Real Estate > Trophies. Can be managed from anywhere in game. Can also do Guild Trophies if you have the permissions to do so.

    They do have to be placed in a house or GH though. But you can have Trophies in several houses and it still works
  7. Thoxsel Djess' Pet Warrior

    Would be amazing to have some more high end trophies for sure. However I like that it requires a plot. It’s not hard and you can just place things if you don’t care at all. It’s part of the game and it’s nice if they make things they have more relevant. Such as they now did with tradeskills. It adds more to the game. If anything I hope they make plots etc more relevant too in some way.
  8. Brohg Augur

    Disagree. There should be more integration with housing, not less. The mounts "keyring" should have been a literal Stable at folks' houses. Personal anchors should have been house-only not guildhall (but with a 1/hour clicky to Guild Anchor still available to all via loyalty). Familiars "keyring" should have been a literal Menagerie at folks' houses. Guild Lobby should dump folks to their personal property if they're afk some amount of time. I should have more neighbors, and we should all be passively shaming each other into prettifying our properties via Daybreakbux to support the game :)
    Ssdar and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  9. Critts Augur

    Would love to see more trophies or an alternat path to increase the ones you have through questing, XP, or even trib.
  10. Critts Augur

  11. NeverPayForLag Augur

    Can you tell my which exactly have a use if you are level 110 and wear the usual RoS T2/TS gear and have Rk. II spells. Are there focii which are worth the time risking disappearing items in house/guild again? Most seemed kind of useless last time I looked (that was years ago).
  12. Stephen51 Augur

    Someone posted you could get a 0 rent cost house, can anyone confirm? I could use that for my alts (heck I could use that for my main!)
  13. Lianeb Augur

    There are a few that pay the cost of plot upkeep and have no cost. Most are collectors edition houses (bixie hive, evantil tree), the hermit’s hideaway is also no cost
  14. Aanuvane Augur

    Yes - the houses that you can buy with DB Cash and the houses that you can buy with Loyalty have no upkeep associated to them - you STILL have the upkeep for the plot itself though.

    I think most of the "houses" that came as rewards with an expansion (the tree, the boat, the hive and the hermit's hideaway) actually have "negative" cost so that also offsets the plot upkeep.