[Request] More Social Hot Keys

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Yinla, Aug 14, 2021.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    A while back we gained a few extra hot bars, but we didn't get any extra social hot keys to go in them. :rolleyes:

    I'm finding more and more I need to remake hotkeys every week as there is not enough. :( Raiding in the last 9 expansions for fun causes issues!
    Angahran and Conq like this.
  2. demi Augur

    I would like to see 1 or 2 more hotbars and a few more pages of socials also.

    another key ring for nimbus's and potions ( ie potions would include illusion potions or cloudy potions .. or you could just bring back our potion bar :p)

    I would also like a Pet TAb like the merc tab where we can see the pet stats and what gear they have on or if we want we can take the gear off ..

    an extra slot or 2 for gear additions on our own inventory window would be nice and while your at it can you add another 8 bank slots and 2 more main inventory bag slots :p tyvm

    Make it so #1
    Yinla likes this.
  3. Warpeace Augur

    The ability to transfer socials would also be great. You know some way to grab one off the page and place it in another location on a different social page. Also Some way to copy paste the 5 lines of text faster would be welcome. As It is its a copy paste from a word doc to keep things available.
    Vumad and Ozon like this.
  4. demi Augur

    adding more than 5 lines would be great also ..

    adding a few more commands like maybe a repeat command .. ie fishing and foraging come to mind ..
  5. Warpeace Augur

    Just go use the software that shall not be named, that should get you what you want.
  6. demi Augur

    ah no thx I dont use said software .. but a social that would allow repeat for only fishing and forage should be ok .. i mean they allow you to swim afk :p bards can sit there all day long and /melody and raise their skills while being afk ..

    I dont see the harm in a repeat social command OR an auto skill like they have for combat skills just put a command in there to auto forage / fish and auto inv what you find

    EDIT: they also let you auto combine TS stuff for however long you got mats in your bags .. i mean common ..

    are you recommending said software in an attempt to get me banned ?

    Make it so #1
  7. Warpeace Augur

    Easy solution for Forage / Fishing is the use of a programmable gaming keyboard to repeat a social. You just need to be at the keyboard of get busted for AFK play.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  8. Randomized Augur

    Would that not be the same situation with aforementioned not mentioned software too? Just be there for when you get caught?
  9. Warpeace Augur

    If that's what you want to run with sure.

    Is the keyboard modifying the EQ client in any way?
    Is the keyboard injecting itself into the EQ code?
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  10. Randomized Augur

    While those are definitely issues which outlaws the software, it’s not THE issue. The issue is the automation.

    So your programmable keyboard that’s able to repeat a command without you actually doing it, is against the rules. Also why a $10 Walmart keyboard and drinking bird are against the rules and in violation. Although the command is being activated manually with keystrokes, you’re not there, making it automated.

    Technically, by their ruleset, AFK’ing with /melody going is also against said rules. But since that was a command they created themselves, they cannot or simply will not act against that. Even though they could be petty and get away with it.
  11. Warpeace Augur

    The only part you got right and I had to fix that for you still. Congrats, you have gotten better at not knowing what your talking about.

    If you really want to argue the subject feel free to start a new thread so were not derailing a decent topic.
    Stymie and MasterMagnus like this.
  12. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

  13. Randomized Augur

    It’s not derailing. It goes hand in hand with:

    Adding more lines is fine, and would be welcomed. But the repeat command is a no no because there isn’t an end limit. It could be a continual endless loop allowing automation while you’re AFK. That’s why socials have a 5 line limit. Also why you can’t have one social fire off another social. Otherwise it’d just be:

    /activate macro slot 2

    /activate macro slot 1

    You now have an endless repeating loop, that can and will continue to run without your presence. And that’s able to be abused. Which is why it’s a no no and not a thing. Because they can’t police/guarantee your presence. It’s the AFK automation which puts it out of bounds. Same potential with the programmable gaming keyboard, or just basic keyboard and drinking bird.

    Would be nice to have the ability to, say, have a repeatable command up to 10 times for such instances though and id be all on board for that
  14. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    It would be a poor idea to do that macro loop, but it's totally allowed.

    See here for why
  15. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

  16. demi Augur

  17. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I think the whole point is that we all want Daybreak themselves to put in some sort of automation function for tedious tasks, like fishing and foraging...instead of having to rely on 3rd party programs or hardware. That way, Daybreak can control what things CAN be automated and HOW they are automated (like being able to start/stop with a command or button switch).

    I don't think anyone is asking for them to make it so we can automate EVERYTHING...just the mind-numbing repetitive tasks. They already did it with tradeskill combines...just use that code as the basis for automating foraging and fishing and anything else non-combat that's literally just "stand there and press a button when the timer refreshes".
    Randomized likes this.
  18. Bigstomp Augur

    I use socials for event details on casual raids. These basically amount to my evolving memory of the events as our raid force changes over time so I hate deleting them just in case we go back.
    Having a few extra pages of them would be very nice.

    Time permitting I've been working on a little app to update the .ini file to allow import/export of socials but have not found the time to complete it. I'm basically at the stage I've proved to myself it can work, but some (known solvable) missing details mean I essentially need to rewrite it with lessons learned.
    Nennius, Yinla and MasterMagnus like this.
  19. Accipiter Old Timer

    You can sort of do this now, with one caveat.
    1. Create a hokey: /ho NukeEm
    2. Populate it.
    3. Create a new hotkey with the same name: /ho NukeEm
    The new hotkey will have all of the lines of the old hotkey except the first line (not sure why). Unfortunately the original hotkey will be missing its first line, too, so you'll have to retype it.

    Ultimately you can skip all that and just edit the INI file directly.
  20. The real Sandaormo Augur

    Just let Cloudy Potions stack to 1000 and I will happily move along.
    Velisaris_MS, demi and Randomized like this.