REQUEST: More Slots for the Familiar Key Ring

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Paladin, Dec 13, 2021.

  1. Paladin Augur

    I count over 300 Familiars.

    However the Key Ring can only hold 250, Max.

    I enjoy collecting Familiars and my Key Ring is full... and more are in my bank.

    Could we get maybe 75 to 100 more slots please?
  2. Fanra

    My record shows max of 125. Maybe it's wrong.
  3. Paladin Augur

    I definitely have 250 Familiars on my Key Ring, and am unable to buy any more slots at this point.
  4. Tucoh Augur

    Look Ash Ketchum, 250 is enough for anybody, leave those animals alone instead of stuffing them into a ring!!
    demi, Fenthen and Silvena like this.
  5. Zunnoab Augur

    250 is awfully close to 255. They didn't code for a max of 255 items in lists did they?

    Wait, I forgot real estate has much more than that. Never mind that idea.
  6. FrozenWater Augur

    Why would you even put a limit on that .... if someone wants to buy 20 bajillion slots .... uhh, let them?
    Paladin likes this.
  7. Zunnoab Augur

    There will always be technical limits for how it's designed, but it's not often those exact limits are the specific limit shown. 255 being the maximum amount of rupees held in the first Zelda is an example where the technical limit for the rupee storage is the same as the maximum stored.
  8. FrozenWater Augur