request: Iksar melee merc

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by svann, Jan 8, 2020.

  1. svann Augur

    Now that melee mercs are worth using, Ill like to revisit an old request. There should be Iksar mercenaries! Remember the first day of Kunark? 10000 Iksar monks fighting and dying on the Field of Bone. Iksar were made to be melee! Currently I am using the poor substitute of a lizardman. Ugly! Please allow Iksar to be melee mercenary.
  2. roth Augur

    Somehow, I suspect this request is a bit more involved than we’d like it to be.

    If only due to two lacks, remedying either one of these would solve the problem : no Iksar Rogues, and no Monk Mercenaries.

    Right now, player model mercenaries are all viable player character race/class combinations (no wood elf cleric mercs, no erudite warrior mercs, etc.). The only exceptions really are the non-player character race mercs.

    Personally, I don’t care either way - I run a pair of froglok cleric mercs and I’m happy with Hippy and Hoppy. (Ok, now I really need to rename them to those names!)
    svann likes this.
  3. Funky Augur

    easiest way i see to add this would be to have it as a special merc.. like the gargoyle or werewolf mercenaries
  4. Kuaamil Elder

    I'd go a an iksar melee merc that was old model only
  5. code-zero Augur

    Are the lizardman merc from TDS available as melee DPS? That's likely as close as you'll get
  6. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    They are. In fact, I have one.
    code-zero likes this.