Reporting live, from Test, on an Enchanter.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by gotwar, May 9, 2016.

  1. KaoK Lorekeeper

    I appreciate the sentiment and notion that we should lay low but what you're seeing right now is basically a repeat of last May's round of Enchanter nerfs. The topic came up in another thread by someone that wasn't an Enchanter main. Then everyone knew about it and so as expected, the nerf bat came along. All Enchanters *knew* it was going to come and didn't care b/c they knew it needed to happen since it was stupid OP. However, we all made the stupid mistake of assuming the stacking issue was a bug. Then we find out it's not. Then they still nerf it some more.There is no logic to this because there was never any logic to not letting it stack in the first place like it did for the previous 540ish days it's been Live.

    Laying "low" will not spare us the 'blam stick' so to speak unfortunately despite your deepest hopes. It never works that way. All that said, we'll be fine but for the sake of your argument I won't go into details why it doesn't "matter" per say. Don't take that as me supporting the non-stacking though.

    What should have happened:
    -Bewildering Constriction: Appropriate as is - 1 per mob
    -Drown: Should have received the *highest* damage per tic since it does nothing else and no one EVER used it
    -Mind Storm: Minor-mid DPS upgrade and tweaked mana return and retained stacking.

    Mind Storm shouldn't have been the BEST Enchanter DPS DoT in the revamp IMO. The DOT that does NOTHING ELSE but damage should have given the best returns. They didn't go that route. So, basically most of our DoTs will not be used like it was before revamp AKA nothing has changed so ultimately... not nerfed?
    Rumstil and RPoo like this.
  2. Schadenfreude Augur

    When I think of Enchanter abilities that are overpowered slightly out of balance DPS certainly isn't what springs to mind. Having only one person be able to cast a spell on any given mob is just flawed design.
    Sancus, gotwar, RPoo and 1 other person like this.
  3. KaoK Lorekeeper

    I like your use of the [ ] strikethrough function in that post ;)

    As said, with the multiple rounds of mana-return nerfs to the MS line it's anyone's guess why stacking is being prohibited. The only reason I can think of is that they overtuned the DPS and they're waiting to 'double dip nerf'(tm)* now.

    *double dip nerf: when your ability is upgraded, but winds up overtuned in multiple facets, you soothe the masses by only nerfing one aspect at a time, but multiple times, over two months until it is appropriately made useless again.
  4. gotwar Gotcharms

    I agree entirely with this, and all other points you guys have made.

    It's everything else that makes this class fun for me, and probably for all of you, that I'm worried of losing. But whether we scream foul or not probably won't make a ton of difference.

    Don't take away my fun, daybreak!!
  5. strongbus Augur

    the necro mana drain dot doesn't have a buff it puts on the necro. only the lifetaps do. so like ench its invisible.
  6. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    If you would coordinate with someone ahead of time I could easily come test things with you as long as I am free when you want to do it. I have an event all day tomorrow but will be home around 9 and may have time after raids or if not I am free all day Sunday.

    You can't just hop on, not say anything to anyone in General and not post here and expect people to read your mind.
  7. Schadenfreude Augur

    I have no reason to suspect different Rangers won't be able to land DoTs. General had 33 people in it, none of them listed as Rangers and zero discussion for the 15 minutes I messed about in that PoK mission so I'd have been shouting into the void I suspect.
  8. Derd Augur

    If it's the same "line" of spells, you cannot stack. Other rangers can stick. BTW chanter dot stacking is being fixed next June patch if u missed it
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.