Remove the follow command on TLP

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Bandages, Jun 2, 2018.

  1. Bandages Elder

    Blocking the ability to follow on TLP servers should diminish the amount of people trying to circumvent true box code.
  2. Machentoo Augur

    No. It would only punish those who are honestly abiding by the truebox code restrictions.
    Felicite and snailish like this.
  3. MaxTheLion Augur

    Holy crapola is this one a good suggestion. Might as well remove any form of currency from the world so we can diminish the amount of people trying to illegally purchase drugs.
    Dexar likes this.
  4. Febb Augur

    Agreed this is a great suggestion. This belongs with suggestions such as,

    Bring Back Corpse Runs!

    We know everyone would love to spend hours of their limited adult time trying to retrieve their corpse from a freshly respawned zone full of things that want them dead and can see invis.
  5. RandomStrategy Augur

    Uhh....guys....the people who use automation have a function of /follow that is better than /follow. That would not affect them at all.
    SithWizard and Dexar like this.
  6. Oldeqplayer Journeyman

    Actually, getting rid of the ability to trade money between players might help ...
  7. Oldeqplayer Journeyman

    Kronos could still be gifted or traded for items, and bartering really would be bartering for items ... Looting items may take a much different flavor after that.
  8. discordkitty Augur

    How do you people come up with all this nonsense? Surely this is a troll post?

    Most of the people circumventing the truebox code aren't even using the /follow command. The program they use has a /sticky command and you can tell the difference in how the boxes are following the main toon around. All bunched up on top of each other and never out of sync? That's the /sticky command and that's what I see the most of with people boxing more than one extra toon. With the /follow command they're not all bunched on top of each other and tend to spread out a bit.
    Brontus and Dexar like this.
  9. taliefer Augur

    if they were serious about having a server with no, or very limited boxing, this is a good idea. i wouldnt be opposed, despite the fact that i actually box occasionally myself.

    then you just ban the people using the obvious 3rd party software to follow on said server
  10. malaki Augur

    They should get rid of autoattack so you have to manually hit attack each time.
    Adrienna and Dexar like this.
  11. Dexar Elder

    Why does this remind me of how laws are passed in California? I am not surprised at all that this was suggested. This way of thinking is cancer.
    SithWizard, Risiko and Nennius like this.
  12. Bandzamakeherdance Elder

    That would make it even easier to identify them then if they were the only ones with a way to follow others.
    Zanarnar and Accipiter like this.
  13. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Its like youve never actually tested this or played the game. You just spew misinformation like its true.
  14. Hateseeker Augur

    Why does a server have to be anti-boxing instead of just anti-3rd-party-assists?
    snailish, Machentoo and Dexar like this.
  15. Xhartor Augur

    Active enforcement would require money being spent on hiring more GM's.
    Brontus likes this.
  16. Machentoo Augur

    He's not wrong. It wasn't misinformation.
  17. Machentoo Augur

    This, do we really think there is going to be an army of GM's looking for people using the /stick command?

    Guess what, they can already see the difference if they care. As another poster pointed out, it is pretty obvious to spot if you know what to look for.
  18. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    They are Truebox servers, not "Make it as hard as possible to box" servers.
    Dexar, Adrienna, Risiko and 1 other person like this.
  19. Prisim Lorekeeper

    /follow isn't being abused by people attempting to circumvent true box. People are boxing on TLPs, and using multiple computers to do so. I have 5 set up myself, though I typically 3 box. Also, I don't play any mages. I run that scary game-breaking combo of zerker-druid-beastlord. Oh nos!
  20. Machentoo Augur

    Seems like a likely setup for the gamebreaking /follow code. Admit it, you use it!