Remove push from Chronomage's Tonic

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Axxius, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Axxius Augur

    I don't know who and why decided to add push to but it's a terrible decision and needs to be re-evaluated.

    None of the previous Tonics of Resonant XXXXXX ever had push on it. But the CotF version does. And it's incredibly annoying on raids. Even when casters face different directions to counter its cumulative effect, the random nature of the proc still makes the mob perform a hoedown, driving melee dps crazy.

    Why would you add caster push right after removing melee/pet push? This makes no sense. Please remove push from this potion's proc!
    Charrisx, Reht and Reprisal like this.
  2. Explicit Augur

    Second, no one likes watching mobs moonwalk to China and back.
  3. greydeeds Augur

  4. Charrisx Journeyman

    The push from these potions is so completely ridiculous on raids that they can't even be used. Do you devs even realize how frustrating it is as a melee class to deal with mobs warping all over the place from this? It makes the game absolutely no fun at all for the melee. Please consider removing the push from these as Axxius stated above, there never was a push in the potion line, there's really no reason it should have ever had a push added to it to begin with.
  5. Silv Augur

    A LOT of people aren't aware that they had a push component either (ppl were used to EVERY potion before this). I informed guildies about it and they were in complete shock about it. Everyone has stopped using it now because of the push.

    So, I'll re-emphasize the point: please remove any push component from any potion/proc/whatever (and specifically in this case, Chronomage's Tonic).

    The most likely people to use this potion are raiders (but even groupers are affected) and so unwanted push is the debil.
  6. Ammeren Augur

    Is the push really as bad as you guys are saying? Or are all of you not used to having to deal with push so it's affecting your raids more?

    My raid team would have no problem dealing with push, it's not new to EQ. Either deal with it or stop using the potions, if of course this is the intended effect, and not some bug they just haven't addressed yet.

    My only question would be that someone mentioned warping..Is it like a ranger bolt, everytime you cast? Or is it just normal push from like back in the day?

    I must try it for myself and see!
  7. Axxius Augur

    Yes, you really need to try it yourself and see. 3-4 casters (including beastlords) is enough for a good demonstration. It is really as bad as described. Every time it procs, the mob warps. It's not every time a spell is cast but every time the effect procs. However, given the number of dmg spells being cast on a raid, it happens pretty much non-stop. As I said, casters can be arranged to face different directions, so the mob stays in the same generally small area. But it constantly warps all over that small area and totally screws the melee dps who must face the mob to hit it, especially the rogues who want to be on its back.

    If your raid team doesn't have a problem, it means you just don't have enough people using it. "Deal with it or stop using it?" - how about "fix it"? Which is what I'm trying to get done. So far no reply from the devs about it being intended or not, and it makes no sense to add new caster push, so we can hope to get that push removed.
  8. Ammeren Augur

    It's only been very recently that they've taken push out of the game considering how long the game has been going. Maybe they wanted to add it back just on a smaller scale. I can't log in right now to try, but I certainly will later.

    Now I do have a question for you Axxius, do you guys pin your mob? Or just let the tank free tank it wherever?
  9. Axxius Augur

    Since RoF T4, raid bosses are designed to be either absolutely unpinnable or impractical to try and pin. And this potion has vertical push in addition to horizontal. So even if you try to pin the mob on whatever geometry there is, this potion will make sure its pushed up on it and screws melee dps even more than when it dances around in the open.

    I really, really doubt that the devs suddenly changed their minds about the elimination of player/pet push on raids and decided to add it back.
  10. Filatal Augur

    You clearly need more enchanters if you are raiding with potions. :eek:
  11. Axxius Augur

    They work with MR just fine.
  12. Xikteny Augur

    I'm not even willing to bother attempting to use these in their current state.

    Until/unless they remove the push, I continue to use Tonic of Resonant Elemental XVII.
  13. Axxius Augur


    Charrisx, RPoo, Ammeren and 1 other person like this.
  14. Charrisx Journeyman

  15. Silv Augur

    Good to know! Glad my Alchemybot still has some timer on his Draught so I can make some of these again :p