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Reality check for DPG howler monkeys....

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tanacious, May 27, 2020.

  1. lockjaws Augur

    Thanks for the reply. I'm glad to see some additional experience being added to this thread.

    I work at Microsoft, and have my Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification. While I don't directly work on Azure content, I am heavily involved in the Microsoft Datacenters, have traveled to about 20 of them domestically and internationally, and I see how F'ing awesome they are. There's no reason why a company is still hosting some old-as-crap servers in a poorly maintained network closet and then having customer base complaints about server stability, connectivity, up time, and general high packet counts.
    Xyphen likes this.
  2. Tanacious Lorekeeper

    I agree with all of that, there is one important variable missed in there, and that is the state of the game code. It is possible it might be so old that modern SaaS/PaaS may not be able to interface with it. I guess it would depend a lot on "what EQ dreams are made of"...hehe.

    If they do have the same devs from 20 years ago, ya that is a sound logical argument. I have had crusty old techs come to my shop looking for work, and they barely know how to use Windows 7, let alone 10, and think it's all a bunch of garbage. (Not saying they aren't entirely wrong, but wrong in the sense of...if that is what gets brought in for repair, therefore you must be able to repair it. But if a decommissioned space shuttle ever comes my way, it's nice to have their numbers....)

    I certainly hope that isn't the case going on as they aren't doing their company or those junior devs any favors, in this job or the next. But it does make sense in a certain regard though......

    Let's say Overseer was the development of one of the junior devs/junior teams and it was a huge hit when it first popped out..... better than grinding/farming mindlessly for hours for stuff.

    They then beat it down with the nerf forest over 4 patches to where it's now just something that isn't even viable with the latest reduction of you can use it twice a day.... when there are 6 hour quests available..... utter rubbish.

    Ya if that was a junior dev creation, I can see how the senior devs wanted to make it not useful, not profitable, and not viable to save their positions they should have been fired from long ago....

    Actually the more I think about it, the more that fits... almost too perfectly... wow. Nice comment Xyph!
  3. Kaza New Member

    Anyone else notice that he was so flustered writing this that he skipped his, super important Wake-up call #3?
  4. Soulblaze Journeyman

    Holy crap:

    I've seen people huff their own farts but DAMN....
  5. Password1234 Augur

    I was the #2 rogue in the world circa 2005 but that's pretty cool.
    Soulblaze likes this.