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RE: Future exp bonus dates.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zinkeh, May 27, 2022.

  1. Zinkeh Augur

    So I'm stuck out of town this weekend and will miss most of the launch exp bonus going on. There's usually a 4th of July week or so long Exp bonus each year but I'm at a loss as to the start and finish dates it normally covers?

    Anyone know? Was going to take PTO to work on the house anyhow so might as well exp too, lol. Thank you !
  2. Herf Augur

    Since DayPaw is unwilling to announce these things in advance, what I and others do is look at previous years announcements in the Forums -> News and Announcements forum topic. This is 'usually' accurate to within a day or two from year to year. Using this I have reason to believe there will be a significant bonus period around the 4th of July, for example.

    There's little more that DP does which irritates me more than this absurd secrecy up to the last minute. Even today, with the bonus tomorrow announced, there's no update to the in game calendar showing it.

    It's remarkably annoying being treated like a mushroom.
  3. MacDubh TABLES!!!

    Eqresource.com has an event calendar that you can scroll back to previous years. It is the easiest way to find what to expect for bonuses except for this memorial day for some reason they started a day later than ever.
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