Rare spawns?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Aurastrider, May 27, 2017.

  1. Aurastrider Augur

    Anyone else noticing no increased rare spawns? Over 30 PH between two different zones and not a single named spawn. Either I am just incredibly unlucky or someone forgot to flip the switch.
  2. ShadowMan Augur

    Double chance really doesn't mean named suddenly pop like candy. If they have a 1% chance to pop normally its only 2% now. I believe in most modern content named are like a 5-10% chance if you keep down every single ph so your still only looking at 10-20% at the absolute highest end of the spectrum and I am sure not all named have that high a chance.
    Zahel likes this.
  3. Aurastrider Augur

    I am fully aware of what the rare spawn is. I have certain zones I always hit up when they have bonus rare spawns and have never seen it this dry before. Others in general had said the same thing in the camps they were at. I know they wont just pop up like weeds in my back yard but literally over 30 PH and nothing seems off to me.
  4. ShadowMan Augur

    You say you do but seems like not. If youre killing say 2 ph for one named thats on average a 6% spawn chance. Doubled thats 12% or 12 named out of 100 ph kills. If you only killed 30 ph's your barely scratched the surface of the RNG to even be bad. On average you probably should have seen a pop by now but its far from alert the villagers its broken.
  5. Zahel Journeyman

    This, but it also doesn't even say double the chance it, it just says bonus. Someone did the math once and even with double chance to spawn it really barely makes a difference unless you are talking over the course of like 24 hours.
    Janakin likes this.
  6. Tour Augur

    Do you want to buy a lottery ticket? Sure, your odds are abysmal. But, if you buy two you're likelihood of winning is doubled! How about a hundred? That'll work out well right? A relative increase in probability of something that is very low to begin with is still going to end up being low in absolute numbers. Especially in the short term, as pointed out by Zahel. You need large number of events to see changes.

    And your literally 30 PH lacks any statistical power to conclude anything at all.
    Janakin likes this.
  7. Cicelee Augur

    I went through nearly 170 PH for some named in Frontier Mountains several months ago.

    Thirty PH? I laugh.
  8. Poyzen Frawg Augur

    OP has a point in that if DBG is going to advertise "increase in rare spawns" then they owe it to the customers to make this a substantial increase. 2x 5% is BS. They purposely want to divert customer valuable play time to hunting then they need to give it a significant increase to justify this diversion.

    We already know the "rare" aspect of named hunting. The lottery ticket theory put simply states that you should just buy one ticket because buying 2 is not a large enough increase in odds to warrant the extra cost. Well guess what... same goes for increasing the spawn rate. Make it significant or don't Bare the customers with visions of hunting grandure and a huge waste of their time.
  9. Poyzen Frawg Augur

    PS. I hunted in hate for 8 hours. Cleared 40 PHs on every pop. So I killed each PH 16 times for a total of 640 possible names pops. I have just 6 more named left to kill. That's not to bad really ,.....
  10. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Ok here is EQ's idea of rare spawn: On Tunare for the last 2 days - in North Karana there are now 100 yes 100 (I counted them on track) silver mist wolves. And maybe 15 of other kind of mobs. Go to South Karana and its that way with elephants and gnolls and way less of any other mob. I have never seen this many of one kind of mobs at one time in those zones ever (since 1999) and almost none of any other mob in the zone so it is "rare" to see that.

    And one highland lion both days on numerous visits
  11. Zish Elder

    You joking, mate?

    You're saying that if you were camping a named that already had a 5% spawn chance, you don't think that doubling that to 10% is a huge boost?
  12. Aurastrider Augur

    This was not meant to be a bait thread or a chance to flex our brain muscles it was a legitimate question to see if people have noticed any real difference.

    As far as the 30 PH this was in camps that I have frequented over several years and go to every rare spawn event and a couple times outside of that every year to keep some variety on my trader. So while 30 is a small sample size in comparison I have easily a hundred hours or more in past experience at these camps and have never been this unlucky. With that said I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Memorial day weekend and gives thanks to all those who have served their respective countries.
  13. Hostility Elder

    Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't. That's just how she goes. Stay at the table long enough and you will see the highest of highs and lowest of lows.
  14. Inady Lorekeeper

    I noticed that one of my normal camps had five ph but this weekend there is only four
  15. Poyzen Frawg Augur

    it was just an exaggerated example... calm down!
  16. Leigo You come here often?

    I don't have exact numbers, but I was just root rotting yesterday, doing the druid ring in FM. I'm lazy so that's 5 mobs, 30-45 per hour and I did this for 4hr, 120-180 mobs. Last cycle before leaving spawned named. Keeping in mind I kept these 5 pH down. However, he has like 10 in FM.
  17. Mediik Augur

    I have a feeling YMMV on named increase depending on zone. I spent 4 hours in Caverns of Endless blah blah.. today, keeping 3 phs down constantly. I spawned a total of 3 named. This is pretty much in line with what I see on a normal day.

    For this zone. Dissappointing. They really need to go back and adjust the named spawned on older content.
  18. MrMajestykx Augur

    nothing has changed. no more no less then before, DBG just reeling ya'll in
    svann likes this.
  19. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Did they actually say it was double chance? Lazy me I refer to it as double spawn but who knows maybe it was a 50% spawn increase.
  20. snailish Augur

    Said this in the newer, similar thread:

    Are you hunting named in older zones? My understanding is the named flag is only active OoW and later with some odd exceptions (i.e., Velk's).

    Then there is the valid point of how silly rare is the named in the first place?

    Should most named spawns be more common/timely in EQ? That's a different kind of question.