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Rank Epic 1.0's in Order of Difficulty

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by TLP Addict, May 26, 2020.

  1. TLP Addict Augur

    Easier to hardest, curious how people rank all of the the TLP epics in order of difficulty.

    I'm guessing easiest would be Rogue, hardest would be Enchanter, what do you guys think?
  2. Minpire Augur

    I think cleric epic would be 2nd easiest besides skyfire part :mad:

    I think a better thread would be Which pieces can you OBTAIN on TLPs in Classic :p
  3. Iyacc Augur

    I think you'll end up with several different types of lists depending on a couple criteria.

    I would agree that cleric is fairly easy BUT there are two pieces that are competitive and one piece that is boring AF. That causes some people to list it as difficult. Camp the Lake Rathe and Sol A pieces while doing xp and all through classic til you get them and it's not so bad, if there aren't already armies of people them like you! Skyfire isn't hard it's just boring as hell. Do xp there while you are leveling and farm spells and it's not as bad as if you wait til you and your friends are 60 and they all want to be doing more exciting stuff.

    I always played warrior and to me it seemed fairly easy. You can do most of the raid pieces before Kunark - if you are in a raiding guild that is going to keep the targets dead on cooldown during classic. If you aren't in a raiding guild then it's damn difficult even through the end of Kunark and into Velious.
  4. Chuuk Augur

    I haven't done them all, nor consider myself any bit of an expert - but here's my shot at EASIEST to HARDEST (epics in bold are ones I've actually done - and I'm also assuming you are in a raid guild since no epics are really doable w/o one):

    Rogue / Shaman - by far the easiest - not "epic" at all honestly.

    Druid - lots of running around and whatnot, but generally nothing too difficult - you can solo 90% of it.
    Ranger - similar to druid epic, but you'll need SEoC as well - maybe a bit less running around.

    Moderately Difficult
    Bard - Trak guts used to be really tough - but this has since changed I believe? Could be wrong.
    Warrior - Lots of raid drops needed - but honestly nothing really difficult here.
    Cleric - Some pretty hotly contested camps, but otherwise nothing crazy here.

    Quite Difficult
    Paladin - I don't know much about this epic, but getting Soulfire, FA, and then epic is lengthy
    Magician - some tough items here - staves, cloak
    Necro - Slime blood seems to be the big holdup here - cape is kinda tough too.

    Stupid Difficult
    Shadow Knight - Marl Kastane - maybe this was fixed? Not sure. Brutal.
    Wizard - Broken Golem is the hangup - OW only. Super Brutal.

    Don't Bother
    Enchanter - Vessel and Verina are huge poopsocks. I believe they added Wraith to instances?
  5. CyryllisFenninRo Lorekeeper

    Easiest to hardest? I'd have to say:
    Shaman (can skip almost the entire thing)

    Very similar to the above list. Most of them are similar in difficulty. Some just have 1 or 2 really annoying parts. For example, necro is a really easy epic if you get lucky on slime blood drop.
  6. Rcbauer Augur

  7. Protagonist Tank

    Marl now accepts several hand-ins before despawning. It is no longer a significant bottleneck.
  8. CyryllisFenninRo Lorekeeper

    Oh, I've been away for a bit, didn't realize they changed shaman epic.
  9. Accipiter Old Timer

    If you are one of those people that like to do epics for the nostalgia, for completion, or just because you want to, then by all means do so. Other than the cleric epic, though, I wouldn't bother. By the time you complete it, three weeks later it's obsolete.

    Some epic 2.0s, on the other hand, are useful forever. Most of you will never get there, though.
  10. Ghost Of Fippy Augur

    I am not sure Marl even despawns. I was able to talk to him and get the medallion for his brother, run to Paineel and talk to his brother and do the turn-in. Then brought the note back to Marl, who was still there. I turned in the note and he still did not despawn.

    The only NPC that despawned so far, (I am not fully completed) was the guy in Paineel to obtain the corrupted Goulbane. I still need to kill the NPC in the Hole, and then the final fight in CoM.

    But yes, this quest sucks because of the spawn times of the turn-in NPCs, sometimes days, which makes them highly contested. I quit the quest after I won the DKP bidding for the 2H off a Tunare raid.
  11. Chuuk Augur

    That's huge - probably drops the SK epic into the "Moderately Difficult" range.

    That's also pretty huge - probably only moves the epic into the "Easy" range though.
  12. Ghost Of Fippy Augur

    No. Duriek, the guy in the tower of Paineel still despawns immediately on turn-in. Long spawn time, days, and highly contested on TLPs in Kunark era.
  13. Chuuk Augur

    Fair enough - never bothered to even try the SK epic honestly - the Marl roadblock of past always just shut it down for me.
  14. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Hardest to easiest

    Hard epics
    1) Enchanter
    2) Shadow Knight
    3) Mage
    4) Wizard

    Avg epics
    5) Monk
    6) Warrior
    7) Bard
    8) Druid
    9) Ranger
    10) Necro
    11) Cleric

    Easy epics
    12) Shaman
    13) Rogue
    14) Beastlord
    15) Paladin

    I have zero clue about Zerker 1.0
  15. Arclyte Augur

    I've always wanted a mage epic pet

    hopefully RNG gods are kind
  16. Jontrann Augur

    Mage epic is easy if you actively raid during classic and kunark.
  17. martanio New Member

    Shaman epic was patched. It cannot be skipped like before. Now it requires you do all the steps.
  18. JooJooFlop Trainer of Trainers

    Yeah the only truly obnoxious part is the feather cloak where you're better off farming anything else to sell for krono and buying the silly thing from a farmer who knows what they're doing.
  19. Xeris Augur

    ya SK epic still has bottlenecks, it just has 1 less of them... it's still a
  20. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Mage epic still had 33 total dropped items that you need to gather and several annoying things like Tarbul and Quillmane. It's still the harder then everything other then SK and Enchanter epics.