Ranger - Strength of Nature Spell Scroll

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Jaera, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. Catashe Augur

    Where in the world you see that at? the Alla page I'm looking at shows strength of nature being vendor sold only.. not dropped...
  2. Kiani Augur

    It's a vendor spell, and that historical patch message clearly shows it was originally available shortly after Velious was released.
  3. Prathun Developer

    I've changed the merchant list requirement associations for the three merchant lists that had item 30476 - Strength of Nature so that it requires Velious instead of Luclin. Thanks for letting us know!
    Kiani likes this.
  4. Numiko Augur

    nevermind me, i was thinking of warders protection.. don't ask me how i got those two spellsmixed up :oops:
    Prathun likes this.
  5. Jaera Augur

    Much appreciated Prathun, out of curiosity does this require a server restart, hotfix, or a full on patch before it will take affect?
  6. Prathun Developer

    It would require a hotfix and a repop. It is too early to say whether there will be a hotfix in the near future.
  7. MabbuPhinny Augur

    The item numbers would suggest they all came out at the same time don't you think?
  8. Prathun Developer

    It stands to reason. Which is why I was confused why some were showing as restricted to Velious and others to Luclin, though the last one on the list does appear to drop in Luclin and some don't drop at all.
  9. Eldrian Augur

    Thank you for getting this done. Now as a constantly needy Ranger could you look into making Superior heal available to rangers at 57. Our heal gap was always pretty bad and new changes only emphasized this.
  10. Iputthegrrrinranger Elder

    With archery damage so low that it's practically unusable, melee dmg very far behind monks, rogues, and almost sk's, you jump straight to the heal :(?
    Legerdar likes this.
  11. Eldrian Augur

    Those are good points but also big changes and not just a quick easy fix. Baby steps...