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Ranger or Mage for dps in group?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Magic, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. Magic Augur

    Hi, have a question about dps class on Agnarr (PoP locked).

    Want to lvl a twink for dps in group and cant decide who is better in groups mage or ranger?
    I hear ranger is good post luclin, but mage have pet + dd spells..

    Any advice be good.
  2. Quasimojo Elder

    You should ask this in the progression servers forum.
    fransisco likes this.
  3. Annastasya Augur

    While i do not play on progression servers , i have run multiple rangers and mages thru the low level old school content.

    Mages are a powerful class with very solid dps and tanking abilities, with a smattering of utility. Rangers take some time to get going and a lot of work to get up to their full potential. Both classes are flexible and go thru phases where they are great or just decent vs the content up until about the 60s for mages and 70ish for rangers when they start to hit their very respectable sustainable dps.

    Both classes solo and group well. Mages are probably just straight up better damage over any short term fights. Both classes are a bit mana hungry to do their best and both can still do respectable sustained damage with pets or bow/melee.

    Either is a solid choice. Tracking and Foraging are very good tools to have. Mages need less help overall to tackle mobs and as mentioned, less of a time and gear investment to reach their max potential. Both are fun to play and welcome in most group/guild/raid environments.
  4. kinadafz Augur

    I have to disagree about the mana hungry for Mag's. Granted, mine is only 101 or 102, and only group content, but he's never below 80%, and that's spamming spells.

    If I wasn't boxing and if pulls were faster, then maybe that is true. But, for casual play, my mag has too much mana and I wish I could do something with it.
  5. Yruc Augur

    Groups -
    Rangers - melee dps - can tank if well geared / off tank / top of health / pull / snare
    Mages - caster dps - has pet that can tank and dps / summon items for group (sometimes useful sometimes not)

    Mages can solo a lot better than Rangers if you can't find a group
  6. fransisco Augur

    ask in progression.
    Most repsonses here will assume you are live and have access to the 105 toolkit/gear
  7. Orienn TreeHugger

    rangers melee dps is bad compared to their bow damage, if you're meleeing your doing it wrong.
  8. Rokkeb Journeyman

    I stopped playing on Agnarr after about a month of it's release. But my ranger was wanted in groups moderately often. Mostly as tank or puller over pure DPS though. Both of those roles I was fine with filling, and if you go ranger, you should learn to manage agro (flame lick and taunt), and be comfortable pulling.

    But mage will bring more straight DPS to the party IMO. But DPS is so easy to fill, having the ability to tank or pull might make it easier to get groups on the ranger. But mage can solo easier and better while LFG.
  9. Rokkeb Journeyman

    Only after 60+ once PoP is released, which it is not on Agnarr. It just got kunark.
  10. Orienn TreeHugger

    I dont play on progression just live, tlp servers are boring. If it was in the tlp section I wouldn't of even posted lol
  11. Aurastrider Augur

    Something is wrong here if you are never under 80%. Mages are huge mana as are rangers. Out of all the casters Mages are by far the worse in terms of mana. Are you sure you are not casting spells 20 levels old and that's why you have so much mana?
  12. kinadafz Augur

    I cast the following 3 spells on every mob. Blistersteel Malosenia (100), Fickle Magma (100), Sp[ear of Blistersteel

    Depending on the content, after those 3 are done, mob is dead or close.

    T3 TDS I will pop over to the mag and chain cast Fickle, Spear, Fickle, Broiling Sands (98) until mob is dead. I use the fire elemental form when indoors, horsie when outdoors.

    I have bard song going all the time and I'm sure that is a major contributor to this.

    also, I box, so I'm slow pulling
  13. Aurastrider Augur

    If you are slow pulling mana probably wont be an issue regardless of what class you play especially with a bard in your group. People that main a mage are going to have significantly better control over their mana (there is a really good thread regarding this under class discussion which I would highly recommend reading) but for people that box a mage it is a little more difficult to really utilize some of the tools mages have. I have applied as much advise as I possibly can from that thread to my four mages that I box and it has helped a lot but even still mana is an issue. Having boxed a wizard and necro at the same time as a mage the difference in mana usage is very noticeable. My mage would be OOM when the other two would not even be at 50% or even close in some cases.