Raid instance Bugs - post Feb Update

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by ArtremasEQ, Feb 22, 2023.

  1. ArtremasEQ Augur

    So, the new Raid leader feature for getting a Raid when someone has a lockout is great, BUT...

    We experienced the following anomolies on Sunday.

    1. If the Raid leader, and someone with a lockout both happen to request the raid, you end up with one DZ, and TWO instances.
    - We had a single raid with two seperate instances on Shiknar queen, On zoning in, about 1/3 the raid ended up in one instance, and the other 2/3 into a different instance. We then zoned out and back in, and all were in the same instance.

    2. If you try to request a new raid, whilst still have an existing DZ, it can kill the old DZ, even if you say 'NO' to the popup. (had this happen once)

    3. You can request a new raid/DZ, whilst an existing DZ is still active, with people in it.
    - Actually noticed an old DZ 'ended' about 15 mins into the next DZ's event...

    We did not rigourosly test the above issues, but I wanted to highlight there appears to be a bunch of 'weirdness' happening since the patch, when requesting and killing DZ.