Raid geared?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Luenn, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Luenn New Member

    What does:-

    Reduced the proc rate to approximately 2 per minute for a raid geared player.


    Is it PoP, TSS raid geared, or max level raid geared?

    What happens if your not raid geared, do we get more procs, less procs or no procs.

    A bit more info would have been nice.
  2. Coldmouth Elder

    One can reasonably assume that you proc less often since you have less stats.

    And raid geared for current content
  3. Slasher Augur

    proc rate is effected by dex if i remember right. A raid geared toon has more dex.
  4. laller Lorekeeper

    i guess it Means if you aint a raider you wont ever proc it
  5. Zinth Augur

    they should make it 2 procs per minute just like weapon procs are by default and then let AAs and gear increase that up to whatever that gear increases it. Doesn't sound overpowered that way.
    Alekzandre likes this.
  6. Eagleclaww Journeyman

    I'm half raid geared. I guess I'll work on increasing DEX via AA's. I would imagine sinking AA into dex should increase your dex to close to what an average raid geared toon would have.

    I don't think the average player of any class would sink AA;s into increasing stats unless they're maxing out the AA lines they really care about.
  7. Fishpoke New Member

    They intentionally destroyed these abilities without "removing" them from game entirely, they dont want people to powerlevel or kill anything at an expedited rate, a seriously crap move on their part. Their precious heroic characters are still going to sell whether decap/anat/HS proc 2 times a minute or 8 times a minute... people that are impatient enough to buy your characters are also too impatient to be arsed with leveling in any aspect... these changed were too drastic of a change. I feel like the money you are going to lose from pissing people off might be a touch higher than any revenue you bring in light of the new changes.
  8. Fishpoke New Member

    Guys note that this is a hard cap at 2 times a minute in a perfect situation, these abilities are essentially useless now unless you reside in the top 1% of raiders and even then I could only see it being something you took after you bought all the "important" aa's
  9. Riou EQResource

    2 ppm is not a hard cap, its based on your Dex, raiders have more Dex and more hDex (since hDex double dips to both iirc), they have like 50-100% more then groupers do though
  10. Luenn New Member

    So killing 3 or 4 LB a minute was overpowering and killing at an expediated rate? All the had to do to yet again nerf HS was to change vinelash so it only effected 4-6 mobs, problem sorted.
  11. Xirtket Augur

    My suggestion was to make these kinds of abilities into an activated aa, that way they could fire the 2x per minute regardless, unless the player chose not to activate it, it would offer a bit more control over it, if you want to use it, then use it, if you don't then don't. Use it and it has a 30s cool down timer, therefore firing 2x per minute and is at the players discretion.
  12. Tearsin Rain Augur

    it means that the chance to fire has been adjusted so that a raid geared character - ie, that has 45% worn haste + 50-60% spell haste at all times + 15-25% overhaste at all times - will get about 2 procs per minute.

    now, the wording of that is a little ambiguous - i don't know if the implication is that HS and such will fire more often at lower haste levels, or if they're saying that it scales with haste in such a way as to be 2 ppm across the board, or if they're saying it scales with haste in such a way to be 2 ppm for 100-125% haste but lower at lower amounts of haste.

    but, that's my guess for what 'raid geared' is referring to - the amount of haste (and possibly dex/hdex) the toon will have.
  13. Eagleclaww Journeyman

    I'd think its based more on dex rather than haste. Of course the faster you swing the more often it procs, but pretty sure it wouldn't be based on swinging more than 200% attack speed (which is +100% haste, for the 2x per minute. Won't be long before people start parsing decap with different gear/haste to give a better idea of what makes it proc better.

    That being said, raid geared players are already posting that they're only proccing once a minute at level 100, fully buffed.

    I'm level 97, self buffed, half raid geared, and also proccing about once a minute. +98% self haste: (gear/overhaste clickky/haste potion).

    I'm guessing max haste+overhaste (hard ceiling of 225%) would slightly increase the proc rate by maybe 2 to 3 seconds, at best. But as of now, players are posting that they're not getting more than once a minute regardless of gear/buffs.
  14. Alekzandre Augur

    [QUOTEThat being said, raid geared players are already posting that they're only proccing once a minute at level 100, fully buffed.

    This means that is is procing at about 50% of what they wished it to be for balancing. The proc rate needs to be increased since twice per minute on average was to low to begin with IMO.